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Any Good Stops Along 1-80/90 Eastern Half Of Us


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As many of you know I'm an insurance adjuster and I just got the call to head out to Manchester NH for the ice storm. I'll be in a hurry heading out, but may have a little time (especially on the return home trip in a couple weeks) to do a little fossil hunting. I've never been in that area, but would like to add a trilobite or two to my collection. If anyone has any must sees along the way please let me know. I'll be traveling I-80/90 from Omaha to nearly Boston.



For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Depending on which way you go, you may be passing very near St. Clair, Pennsylvania. A good place for plant fossils. There are some posts somewhere on here about it.

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Guest solius symbiosus

Along the return trip, A detour from Cleveland down 71 to the Cinci area would be productive. You could then swing up to Indi, and take 70 back to Kansas City.

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