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Triassic Trace Fossils In The Arctic - Svalbard


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Hi everyone !

Just discovered this forum and thought I should give it a go regarding identifying some trace fossils.

I am currently working with the sedimentology of the Upper Triassic on Svalbard and in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Several trace fossils has been observed in the field and it would of course help a lot to identify them when it comes to the sedimentological interpretation. So, feel free to comment.

- Picture 1 shows a vertical 'tube' burrow in a heterolithic setting (mud + sand). The preliminary interpretation is that it was deposited in the offshore-transition zone. Could also have been in a shallower pro-delta environment. Could it be Skolithos, or is it to 'wiggly' and thick?

- Picture 2 shows a similar trace fossil (same facies as described above).

- Picture 3 also shows one or two vertical burrows (same facies as described above).

- Picture 4 shows some apparently vertical traces (same facies as described above).

- Picture 5 shows a vertical trace found in a flaser heterolithic setting (90% sand + 10% mud). As you can see, it cuts through the layers and bends them a bit downwards. Preliminary interpretation is a tidal sand flat.

- Picture 6 and 7 shows some thick horizontal burrows. Found in a 1 m thick sandstone with hummocky cross stratification and wave ripple cross lamination. Preliminary interpretation is a lower shoreface setting. Could it be Rhizocorallium?









Edited by ERK
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Hi ERK, welcome to the forum! Thanks for the pictures.

I happen to have a Skolithos bulbus vertical segment that is from some Cambrian aged material in California that Scott just recently ID'd for me. It looks similar to some of your examples.


Not knowing a great deal about trace fossils I'll let the others with real trace experience offer their suggestions on the particulars.

Thanks for showing us your finds...we dont get to see Triassic material much!

Regards, Chris

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Thanks for the input Chris! The Skolithos on your picture definitely looks like some of the burrows i have observed in the field.

Other suggestions are also appreciated!


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