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Any Ideas?


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Hi, wondering if anyone could tell me what this is...the third pic is of course just the first one wet to show detail clearly. I can never decide if it is something or just a nodule...but I did find a similar looking thing on the forum that was tentatively ID'd as a baculites / gastropod / ? (the link is here: baculites? ) . Not sure if it makes a difference overall, but at least the exterior is something fossilized. To small to get picked up well by my lens, but the texture where it is not eroded away has the appearance of many tiny tiny pinpricks or pores (like a tiny sponge but covering the whole thing very regularly). Also, the part of the center that is white on the front is beige on the back and vice versa - as though it twists somewhere inside.

Any info regardless of what it may be is great :)




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I don't know that the "core" is anything but mineral, but it might be encrusted by sponge or bryozoan.

What is the age of the deposit?

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Guest bmorefossil

to me it would be a rock but if you are finding other rocks that look like this in the same location i have no problem in saying that you have something there

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Ok glad to see that these are pretty much the questions I'd asked myself (gastropod? rock? where are suture marks if baculites?) Which is good because at least I know I'm not crazy :). It would likely be ordovician - all my fossils were found at canada brick (the surrounding area is upper ord. and the works specifically has an outcrop of queenston shale. Since the brick works ran for decades and decades and decades etc, I don't know what they dug into - except that it's a very deep hole. Or was. The land is now being commercially developed and filled in which is why I spent all summer hauling rocks out whenever possible ). So, I'm gonna say no ID yet but not obviously just a rock and worth leaving the case file open? Either way still worth more than the Canadian money...

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Zooecia! That was the word I was looking for! Thanks...yes, that's exactly what the exterior looks like although it's very faint.

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