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Ks And Mo Recommendations?


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2013 has been my first summer of collecting and it's been an education, and at times its been a great workout and life threatening at other times (it's amazing how Rattlesnakes and fossil hunting can go hand and hand in some states).

I travel for a living and I cover IL, IA, MO, KS, NE, ND and SD. As I write this I am in MO staying in Fenton near the raod cuts where 141 and I-44 intersect. For those that know the area I actually drove over to the McDonalds here to order food just so that i could search the rocks that have broken free and border the McDonalds parking lot. I found crinoids and some broken brachiopods but took nothing as I'm unsure of the collecting laws here.

I'm in KS and then MO every 5 weeks. If someone has any recommendations and has knowledge of where I can collect I'd be forever greatful. I am definately not looking for access to someones "secret spot" or "honey hole". Just some guidence. I'm never done working but I always set aside a couple of hours towards the end of my day (my dinner break if you will) and try to hit a road cut or two.

I've gone to a couple "pay to collect" privately owned land sites and found it to be more than a fair trade so if anyone has any recommendations please PM me if you are more comfortable sharing the information that way.

For anyone looking for IA information I've been following Robert Charles Wolf and the info in his book as well as some of the websites he appears on and his knowledge of IA fossil sites has been fantastic.

I've become addicted to this hobby and of the education that just naturally comes along with it. The people I have met that share the same interests have quickly become friends. It's funny, I'm a bigger fan of herpetology and fossil collecting has given me a chance, at times, to combine both hobbies. For anyone else that loves snakes take CBOB from the forum collecting with you. He's not a fan of snakes and yet evertime we go we manage to find them. On a side note my wife says I can bring home fossils but when it comes to reptiles, especially snakes, I can take only pictures and leave only footprints....

Thanks for reading.

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There are no MO or KS state laws specifically pertaining to fossils that I'm aware of.

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Welcome Chadillac -

That intersection is a good one....found a half dollar size Deltodus tooth there years ago. You can also check out the Meramec River where I-44 crosses it. When the river is low you can find crinoids, archimedes and occasionally fish teeth there.

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Hi Chadillac, welcome to the forum! Lets see some pictures, fossils or otherwise. Lots of live critters crawling and slithering down here in these parts this year. No rattlers yet...seen some pygmies in past years. If it moves and I have a camera with me I try to take a picture of it. Here's several...Blue tailed skin, Brown Anole, Legless lizard, Black Racer, and a toad.....


Only fossil amphib I have is from a trade for a Branchiosaur from the Permian of Germany.


Good luck collecting!

Regards, Chris

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