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More Dark Material And Some Cephalopods?


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Hi, thanks for being so helpful while I run through my backlog of needed ID's :) Not sure if you can tell from the photo but the dark material has a ridge running down the center (the darker part). Again, probably Ordovician. I'm also going to put up my other cephalopods /nautiloids in a reply to get them all up in one go...


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Other cephalopods...?....Along the bottom of the fossil in the first pic you can see three grey somethings on top of the fossil. Under (weak) magnification it looks pebbly . Would this be the exterior or something on top like a sponge?

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Guest solius symbiosus

In the first group- what is probably the right side margin of a pygidium from an asaphid trilobite... probably Isotelus. In the second group, the "three gray somethings" are small segments of a ramose bryozoa.

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Thanks again - I could maybe guess trilobite but I'd never (ever) be able to say what kind or what part of it. Never. So awesome, thanks. Would the other dark material from that rock (seen in other 3 views) be from the same thing?

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Guest solius symbiosus

If you can find an area with some good size chunks of that material, and that has weathered for a few years, you can probably find some good stuff. Something like a road cut would be ideal.

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Trilo-bits and orthocones; your site produces the major Ord. fauna. It's possible that there is a layer that contains whole ones; how much searching time do you have before they reclaim the pit?

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It's not exactly a whole one but more so than the fragments (I assume it's a trilobite). It's a good site, you don't even have to look for fossils, just sift through to find ones you like (I can only keep so many crinoid stems and bryozoan assemblages). I also have some other smaller (but maybe nicer) orthocones and tons of tabulate coral from there. Not sure about how easy it would be to find the layers - the earth has been moved around so much over the last year that it is all sort of jumbled together in a big field of fossils and fragments (how's that for alliteration?). Because I've been there so much I know general areas like "lots of large pieces of coral in between these two piles of earth" and "easier to find orthocones farther from the road" but that's it. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to use the site - they started moving the earth the summer before last and have only just started actual construction this fall, so at this pace, with winter here, I might have a bit longer... in fact its been so long that tumbleweeds have moved in! I can only go on the weekend when no one is there ;) They know we go down there and look the other way but I imagine wouldn't want me running around between the excavator machines...


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I didn't realize that you were also a fellow Canuck. Where do you live/hunt? That could also help with IDing your pieces.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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I'm in Ontario too - Mississauga - and though I'm sure I'll branch out eventually, all my fossils are from the Canada Brick site. I hadn't actually planned on looking for fossils and was just using it as a place to let my dogs run but the fossils were impossible to miss. I'm going to try to get down again soon to see what might have changed, but if you want to check it out before it's gone I can give you better instructions.

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