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Williamsville "a" Formation


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Hello everybody.

I would love to spend some time looking for Eurypterids at the Williamsville "a" formation somewhere in NY state, but not quite sure how to get to the site.

Does anybody have any detailed map or the coordinates or any other relevant data about the site? is it private? If so, how can i obtain permission?

Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Pedro Bento, M.Sci.

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Most of the New York state eurypterid exposures are on private land that I am aware of. Many of the sites from 20 or 30 years ago that you may find referred to on the internet are developed over now. There is a pay site that you can dig in upstate new York. You can have the pleasure of finding the eurypterid but anything you find you will need to be prepared to pay a reasonable market price to take it home. You can find it on Google fairly easily.

If you PM me I can put you in touch with an individual that occasionally drives up from New Jersey to the eurypterid locality in Canada. I think he said it was an 8 hour drive. It tends to be a multi day trip leaving New Jersey on Thursday, hunting eurypterids in Canada on Friday and trilobites in Canada or New York on the Saturday. He is retired and does it a few times each year. The Canadian eurypterid site is only available for collecting of Friday's. Please understand though that most people will not find anything but bits and pieces of eurypterid in a full day of hunting. However if you stick it out long enough and enough times to find a complete one you will be hooked forever............ Over half the days I hunt for eurypterids I do not find anything that I want to take home. Most of the time I give the partials and pieces away to newcomers to the site who very well may not ever hunt the site again. The regulars at the site (4 to 5 of us) go out of their way to help newcomers and we try to make sure that people go home with something as a memory of their day hunting eurypterids in Canada. TMHN from the forum went for the first time this year and I am sure he will be back . He has a post about his trip , one of the regulars Mr. T. provided him with a reasonable partial as he and his collecting partner had not found a whole lot other than fragments. He has pictures in his post of what two of them found that day.

Edited by Malcolmt
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