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Alabama Coal Mine Trip

Guest N.AL.hunter

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Well, I went as a guest of Archimedes on Saturday to go on a collecting trip with the Alabama Paleontological Society. We went to two coal mines, one active, one not. The inactive mine was pretty much picked over and very few people found anything. I picked up nothing. However, the active strip mine was loaded with plant material and some people did find some pretty nice trackways of verts and inverts. I found one very small invert trackway (like a millipede), but no vert tracks. I did pick up some nice ferns. There was a large stump that I could have taken home, but It was too big for the normal interior fossil, and I just didn't want to leave it outside. I believe one of the other collectors ended up taking it.

This was my first outing with the APS, and hopefully it will not be my last. It was also my first time trying to find vertebrate tracks. I'll have to go again and hopefully find some next time.

I hope he does not get angry at me posting this, but Archimedes did find some nice vert tracks (and the one pictured he gave to me).

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Way to go Del! Those are excellent!!

The "cone" resembles the fruiting body from Halonia (look at docdutronc's site: http://monsite.orange.fr/lepidomania/index.jhtml ,and click on Halonia).

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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awesome stuff! Got any pics of the mines>?

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

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Guest N.AL.hunter
awesome stuff! Got any pics of the mines>?

As a matter of fact, we did take a few pictures of the mines. I'll post them this evening (it is 12:23 noon now).

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Guest bmorefossil

wow del you guys really did do good, what you found is awsome!!!! so much better then what i thought you would be able to find there.

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Guest N.AL.hunter
Very nice finds! I try to ID but not sure

1-2. Pecopteris micromiltonii ??

3. Discopteris?

4. Lyginopteris

5. Pecopteris unita??

Thanks, I'll check those IDs out soon. I can't wait to get back in the active mine and find some more.

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Well, I went as a guest of Archimedes on Saturday to go on a collecting trip with the Alabama Paleontological Society. We went to two coal mines, one active, one not. The inactive mine was pretty much picked over and very few people found anything. I picked up nothing. However, the active strip mine was loaded with plant material and some people did find some pretty nice trackways of verts and inverts. I found one very small invert trackway (like a millipede), but no vert tracks. I did pick up some nice ferns. There was a large stump that I could have taken home, but It was too big for the normal interior fossil, and I just didn't want to leave it outside. I believe one of the other collectors ended up taking it.

This was my first outing with the APS, and hopefully it will not be my last. It was also my first time trying to find vertebrate tracks. I'll have to go again and hopefully find some next time.

I hope he does not get angry at me posting this, but Archimedes did find some nice vert tracks (and the one pictured he gave to me).

WOW! Those ferns are AMAZING!

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Here is a picture of the strip mine. We were lucky to be able to collect at all since the strip mine flooded, as well as all the rivers, a few days earlier after we got 10+ inches of rain in a couple of days.


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Those ferns are pretty nice, I really like the fifth one. Did you have to split rocks to find these or were they just laying out?

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