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Rocks Anne

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ISO (in search of) advice from anyone who lives near or has visited southwest WYOMING:
I'm looking for places between Evanston to Kemmerer to Jackson to search for fossils, minerals, gold nuggets, large diamonds! (oh dear, I'm getting too excited.... need to calm down...) on our visit to that area next week. Anybody know of any good pay to collect places?

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I have no idea what ISO means, but here goes... Definitely you'll have to spend a half day at least at one of the fish quarries. I am a fan of Warfield's. Google 'Warfield Fossils'. They will close as soon as it snows, which could be anytime now, but likely not this soon. The gold fields and the diamond areas in WY are all claimed, so no access to regular folks. Darn. There aren't too many other easily accessible places for fossils in far western WY that I know of. Fossil Ridge outside of Kemmerer has cretaceous oysters... not sure about land access since I've never been there... but much of it is likely BLM land.

Have fun and good luck

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