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Manatee Skeletal Anatomy Images


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Here are some images taken from a 1998 draft of Sentiel Rommel's ms titled The Manatee Skeleton. These figures deal with the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) but can be useful in comparing fossil sirenians of other genera and species as well. This document is too many pages for me to scan them all, so I focused on skull anatomy, and some general skeletal figures including a comparative anatomy page.

It goes without saying that these images should not be published without the authors prior written permission or used for commercial purposes. These may be available in a published document, although I don't know if it was published or not.

I'll attached the rest of the images in the next comment box within this same thread.







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Here's the rest of the images of manatee skeletal anatomy I've scanned.

Hope these help with your determinations of sirenian fossils.




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It seems that I've duplicated an image in the last two comments. Here's the one that's still missing.


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