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Christmas Reef (shark)


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Hello All,

I was fortunate enough to have the day off yesterday and wanted to make good use of it, so I went to one of the local spots here in Summerville for a little fossiling. Unbeknownst to me, I would have a "personal best" day. Pictured are the best finds of my 2.5 hour hunt, which include not one, two, or three Carcharoides, but 10! My previous best for a day's work had been four. These little teeth, as many of you already know, are pretty darn elusive, so when I got to three I already knew it was going to be an awesome day. I also found a sweet Squatina subserrata, which is always a welcome addition to the collection.

It is not often that I have a day like this and I still don't think it has settled in. If anyone else would like to share their story about finding several of an uncommon species in a single excursion, I am sure everyone else would love to hear about it. (Sorry, please no exaggerations, false memories or outright lies, as the rest of us fossil collectors have fragile egos!)

Happy Hunting,



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Your ego is safe from me; mine, however, has fainted. I've never had a day like that; congrats!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I've never had a day quite that good, either. Awesome finds. What's the three little teeth to the right of the drum (I assume that's what those are) teeth?

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I've never had a day quite that good, either. Awesome finds. What's the three little teeth to the right of the drum (I assume that's what those are) teeth?

Fish teeth of some sort, someone once told me trout? If anyone knows, I would be very interested in finding out as my osteoicthyological knowledge is sadly lacking :( .

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boy that chandler bridge formation sure makes me drool. Hopefully someday I can make it down there finally. very nice teeth!!

---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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Very nice teeth! Did you polish them at all? they look very glossy. Great finds!

Nope, it's just their natural enamel glossy shine.

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Congrats on the great finds. It appears that you have several different positions there, do you think it possible that they are associated?

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Congrats on the great finds. It appears that you have several different positions there, do you think it possible that they are associated?

Very unlikely, they were loose in gravel piles.

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nice finds, are the long skinny teeth near the top right fish?

Awesome - congrats and I'm glad Barry and I weren't the only cold blooded fossil hunters out in the elements.

I bought my own water boots finally, too!

I'll let you know if they help...

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Guest bmorefossil
Awesome - congrats and I'm glad Barry and I weren't the only cold blooded fossil hunters out in the elements.

I bought my own water boots finally, too!

I'll let you know if they help...

i have water boots and waders and my feet still seem to freeze up, but i have cold feet all the time, I hope they help you.

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Did I tell you about the time when I found over 400 teeth in one day! with two being 7 inch perfect megs!!! Hold it, that was a dream. But really, very nice finds. Im not into the teeth, but only because I really have no place to hunt for them. Those baracuda teeth are really cool. Im not sure if Ive ever seen any before? The shine on those is outstanding too! You must have had a big smile all the way home.


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I keep going back and looking at your photo. May I ask what the little black round things are?


drum teeth?

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Belive me tracer, I do not know my teeth. I am assuming that 'drum' is a fish?


yes. i'm fixing to have about thirty people descend on me, but i'll try to take a picture of a drum mouthplate and post it at some point. they have a flat plate with a bunch of teeth that have rounded tops like kernels of corn. they use them to crush stuff they eat.

found a link to a good pic... drum teeth

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yes. i'm fixing to have about thirty people descend on me, but i'll try to take a picture of a drum mouthplate and post it at some point. they have a flat plate with a bunch of teeth that have rounded tops like kernels of corn. they use them to crush stuff they eat.

found a link to a good pic... drum teeth

Ok, as soon as you explained it, I remembered what they are. I have a rock with some of those 'kernals' on it. Seems like the older I get, the more I forget. Or is it the wiskey? Heh,,heh,,,

Oh, this chunk is from Morrocco



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Guest bmorefossil
your deal is very cool, but probably much older pycnodont teeth.

yes that is not a drum fish jaw in the matrix, im with tracer on the pycnodont jaw w/ teeth

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your deal is very cool, but probably much older pycnodont teeth.

Thank you kind sir. Its amazing how much stuff some of you guys know!


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