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Texoma Trip Today


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Christmas came early and Hanukkah on time today as me and Snakekeeper decided to brave the elements and go to Lake Texoma. Actually we may not have been all that brave since the forecast said it should be around 50 degrees vice the 35 when we got there. Of yeah, and it was drizzling, too... not a particularly promising start.

It didn't warm up too much for a couple of hours, but at least it dried out to a fine mist. As the pictures will show there was still a lot of ice out there. We walked out to the first point and had some interesting luck since the water level was down about 5 feet from summer time. Also since everything was wet it was easier to see some of the fossils. A mixed blessing, but one I was happy to have.

One of our first finds came when I found a small heart urchin nest - right on top of a chunck of ammonite. See pix attached.

Then I found a nice ammonite under a rock covered with icicles. Couldn't budge it with the small crow bar so had to move on. That was when Snakekeeper found a little pocket of pyritized ammonites and gastropods. All very small, but really cool. We spent about a half hour picking up everything that looked promising and will clean up later.

From there we headed to the second point and around it. Evidently some folks had done some heavy excavating out there since there were a few dozen plundered medium large ammonites laying around in various conditions including some that were at least 90 percent complete. Still, the goal is a "complete" round and I did find 3 and pulled them out. Of course, then we get the comment of great, now that you have 100 lbs of rocks how are you getting them out of there. Enter> my brand new (not really) jogging tricycle stroller - worked like a charm even on the heavy gravel! Before moving out though Snakekeeper found his own echi nest and pulled out several nice big ones. Then to put some icing on the cake he sat down on a limestone shelf looked down and saw a small chunk of ammonite with a ptychodus tooth sticking out of the top.

We were happy, but cold, and very hungry having spent a solid 5 hours working the site so it was time to pack up to go.

But wait - there's more! Snakekeeper was not done yet and as we walked back found TWO more ptychodus teeth on pieces of rock that we would never usually look at! He is the man! I would likely have turned green with envy, but since I had some nice biggish ammonites in my stroller I was OK, too.

All and all it was a great day at Texoma. Pix are a bit fuzzy - got a new camera for Christmas though!!! There are 7 heart urchins in matrix immediately on top of a chunk of ammonite.

The full round is 13" across.



What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Wow, well I'd like to go along sometime if yall don't mind. I'd be willing to trade fossil hunting locations! :D Post pics when you can--I can't wait to see em!

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Resourceful use of the baby hand truck!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I guess I need to adjust my eyes next time I go out there and look for something other than big round things. Although, I did find one squished echie there. Just think ptychodus.

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Congratulations to both of you. I am not even sure

what a ech nest is but sure want to see. Hope

you also include a pic of that stroller....one very good idea!~

I had forgotten there are ptychodus teeth there! Hope you

get your pics up today! HINT< HINT< HINT!

Welcome to the forum!

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I sure had a great time yesterday,but it was cold. Here are a few pics...... and Owens kiddy stroller worked great considering that he had at least 100lbs of Cretaceous mud on board. I bet those people at the boat ramp thought we were bad parents taking our kids on a walk in that fog throught the field.....LOLpost-417-1230131281_thumb.jpgpost-417-1230131330_thumb.jpg[attachm



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Very nice! I love to see fossil collectors out in the cold, braving the weather. Only the serious collectors will go out in adverse conditions. This is the time when many of the best specimens will be found due to lack of competition, low tides, etc.

Once again, congrats on the awesome finds. Keep'em comin'!


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To the persistent, go the spoils. Good stuff Maynard! Now I'm telling my age.

Do you leave them in the matrix? Or pop them out and clean them?

I love fossils in situ.

v = 0.25 * g0.5 * SL1.67 * h-1.17

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Do you leave them in the matrix? Or pop them out and clean them?

I love fossils in situ.

I really like when you can find a display specimen laying right there on the ground.

Like the piece in the last pic.It's about 5" x 4" I would never take a specimen like the ptychodos in the pic out of it's surrounding matrix either.

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Very nice! I love to see fossil collectors out in the cold, braving the weather. Only the serious collectors will go out in adverse conditions. This is the time when many of the best specimens will be found due to lack of competition, low tides, etc.

Once again, congrats on the awesome finds. Keep'em comin'!


Thanks Rob - Merry Christmas!

Keep your fingers crossed that we have some good luck on Sunday looking for more ptychodus teeth!

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Really nice finds! You probably didn't even feel the cold most of the time!

Isn't that a P. marginalis, or decurrens? It looks too round to be P. mortoni. :unsure:

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Really nice finds! You probably didn't even feel the cold most of the time!

Isn't that a P. marginalis, or decurrens? It looks too round to be P. mortoni. :unsure:

We're still working on a final ID for the teeth.

Snakekeeper is off hunting deer so we'll have to wait until he gets back.

He's strongly leaning towards decurrens, though!

Thanks John!

Also, not all echinoids are created equal as the picture shows.

And, finally have the pix of the tiny pyritized ammonites, gastropods and one sea urchin spine.



What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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I sure had a great time yesterday,but it was cold. Here are a few pics...... and Owens kiddy stroller worked great considering that he had at least 100lbs of Cretaceous mud on board. I bet those people at the boat ramp thought we were bad parents taking our kids on a walk in that fog throught the field.....LOLpost-417-1230131281_thumb.jpgpost-417-1230131330_thumb.jpg[attachm


Funny cause I had a mental picture of people thinking you 2 were abusive,

sticking rocks on top of your kids, making them hold them....

Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks Rob - Merry Christmas!

Keep your fingers crossed that we have some good luck on Sunday looking for more ptychodus teeth!

Got'em crossed, I wish you well on your hunt Sunday. As much as I would love to hunt Sunday, it's my 10 year anniversary of being with my lady, so I don't see me in any creeks this weekend. ;)

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We had a good day today and pulled down 10 ptychodus teeth between the three of us.

Three each at the main stop, then I found a 4th when I went to load up on a bucket of gravel before heading home.

We were hoping to hit the North Sulfur River tomorrow, but nasty storms are in the forecast so I expect it will be a washout - literally...

Happy Anniversary!

Got'em crossed, I wish you well on your hunt Sunday. As much as I would love to hunt Sunday, it's my 10 year anniversary of being with my lady, so I don't see me in any creeks this weekend. ;)

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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