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Are These Trilobites Fake?


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Not sure about the real/fake issue, but the preparation on the ones in the photo is so poor I wouldn't buy those things unless perhaps if I could see them in person and select the specific ones I wanted to get.


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What Don said, poor preparation, poor photos, I would not give the a dollar for these unless I could examine firsthand.

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Here are some photos of the one I bought 4-5 years ago from Morocco.




My son wanted to make a presentation at school with this trilobite but I woudnt like him to present it as authentic if it's not.

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I think the one you bought is real. If it was fake they would have tried to mold the missing eye out of resin or something.


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Depending, of course, on the age of your son's audience, part of the presentation could be to explain how counterfeiting fossils for the tourist trade is a low-income industry in Morocco.

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These little guys are real, by the prep is terrible. It is the traditional nail and hammer prep and it is rough. These little Gerastos trilobites are very common so there is no need to fake them. These would typically sell for about $1.00 in this condition in Morocco or at wholesalers. The better of this same species can sell for $4-$50 depending on quality and prep. the better ones have been prepped using modern equipment and air abrasives and do tend to cost more.

I spend most of my time with fossils from Morocco and would encourage you to avoid these simply because of the poor quality.






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Thank you very much.

Good to know it is not fake.

Good morning from Athens Greece :)

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Yes, they are real but poorly prepped in Morocco. I have seen hundeds of them at the Tucson show. Besides, you can always return them if the seller is adverising falsly.

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