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Maybe A Deer Tooth?


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OK< Found this today in the Posk oak creek in Sherman, Tx. Not sure what formation it could have come from, Maybe mafia formation, (Someone sleeping with the fishes, and I found their tooth)

I don't think its human, because it has a flat area on the tip of the tooth, and looking at my teeth, mine have no flat area. Pretty neat find, I was shocked when I pulled it out of the screen, I thought it was human for a while....

Thanks for looking,





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Guest bmorefossil
OK< Found this today in the Posk oak creek in Sherman, Tx. Not sure what formation it could have come from, Maybe mafia formation, (Someone sleeping with the fishes, and I found their tooth)

I don't think its human, because it has a flat area on the tip of the tooth, and looking at my teeth, mine have no flat area. Pretty neat find, I was shocked when I pulled it out of the screen, I thought it was human for a while....

Thanks for looking,


uhhhh any local mobs?

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I knew I lost my tooth there, thanks for finding it. :D Just kidding, but it does look human to me. There is no telling how it got there.

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Emailed the picture to a dentist friend. He said looked human to him.

v = 0.25 * g0.5 * SL1.67 * h-1.17

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Without fueling the "human/non-human" debate (since I am not qualified to speculate), I see heavy wear on the business end, and what looks like a nasty cavity. Wonder how old it is?

(BTW: I read somewhere that different races have diagnostic shapes to the lingual side of their incisors.)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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This fire is getting a little low....

Justin, could you please post a full spectrum of new photos (with measurement reference). It's time to bring the full power of the FORUM to bear on this ID. (I feel like Tim with a Binford 9000. :P ) Thanks, jax.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Grandma loaned me her teeth to compare.

Looks like a front tooth to me.


v = 0.25 * g0.5 * SL1.67 * h-1.17

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tracer, get the pliers; call Auspex, Dan, Joe, and the others. We've got work to do....

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Jax, You could try putting it under your pillow tonight. I know from experience as a kid, if you put an animal tooth under your pillow the tooth fairy won't leave you any money. If it is a human tooth, you might get a quarter!


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Moose and deer-The root reduces in diameter and is too long and thin.

Human stays the same in diameter and has a short root.

Still think it's human.

Who's that guy that disappeared years ago in the union?

Probably him.

v = 0.25 * g0.5 * SL1.67 * h-1.17

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Man, It looks just like that first tooth in the human pic. Pretty crazy. My dad thinks its a Indian tooth. Someone had to have been eating some hard stuff, cause its pretty worn down. I know a dentist, I need to track him down, and see if I can explain to him why I have this tooth :D

Ramo, Tooth Fairy didnt leave me anything..... Must have been my new toy next to my bed :D (AR-15)

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This fire is getting a little low....

Justin, could you please post a full spectrum of new photos (with measurement reference). It's time to bring the full power of the FORUM to bear on this ID. (I feel like Tim with a Binford 9000. :P ) Thanks, jax.

Here are some more pics.





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