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Texas City Dike?


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I've been wanting to go there, but I google earthed it and it's HUGE--like 5 miles. A relative of mine lives in Texas city and said the dike's been closed since Ike, but I REALLY want to check it out!

Where on the dike are good spots to fossil hunt and could I get in trouble for parking outside and hopping the fence? Google earth coordinates would be great! I'd be willing to trade a fossil hunting spot in return--just PM or post.

Thanks! :D

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last i knew it was closed indefinitely due to storm damage.

there are two kinds of places where it might not seem obvious, but you don't want to mess around. one is any place that's been in a disaster. odds are that local officials have had their fill of keeping order and recovery efforts and have no sense of humor left. they're trying to get their world back in order. the second type of place is anywhere that could even remotely be considered part of critical infrastructure in a post-9/11 world. even stopping and photographing those kinds of places can get you more involved with government than would be your preference. so if you used to crawl around looking for fossils near dams, refineries, bridges, water-treatment facilities, electrical plants, etc., and you still want to do that kind of stuff, you might consider checking with whoever's responsible for the area before you do anything that could be considered unusual there.

just thoughts. worth what you paid for them...

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Based on years of leading birding tours in Texas, I offer a word on trespass: DON'T!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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When I see the word dike, I think of THIS (alright, get your mind out of the gutter). I guess that I have never lived near a coast.

haha being a geology major, I thought that at first too; but this one is a little bit different and man made.

Well I didn't think it would be trespassing since it's public property and I didn't think I would look suspicious and up to something because you can't exactly destroy the dike (for one it's artificial land and for two because there would be no point, even to a terrorist)

I think I may go ahead and check it out and if I don't get some worth wild finds, then I just won't go back; but I simply can't give up an opportunity to gain a new hunting ground.

hmm...what IS the worst they could do to someone for taking a walk on a peninsula/dike?

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2012--I'm currently a freshman, but I'm taking some upper level courses such as a paleobiology research project I was accepted for. I'm going the BS route too--hoping to get into grad school in 3 years and have my masters in 5 or 6. Are you taking classes this spring?

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Guest solius symbiosus
2012--I'm currently a freshman, but I'm taking some upper level courses such as a paleobiology research project I was accepted for. I'm going the BS route too--hoping to get into grad school in 3 years and have my masters in 5 or 6. Are you taking classes this spring?

It is kind of weird, but when I started, there was no BA. Kind of neat that it is offered now.

The change in cirriculum, somewhat, amazes me. No more is Geomorphology a prerequisite, nor is Paleontology???(when I was a major, all students did the invert thing); Too, there is little interest in photo re-con??? I guess the time; they be a changing, but...

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I've been wanting to go there, but I google earthed it and it's HUGE--like 5 miles. A relative of mine lives in Texas city and said the dike's been closed since Ike, but I REALLY want to check it out!

Where on the dike are good spots to fossil hunt and could I get in trouble for parking outside and hopping the fence? Google earth coordinates would be great! I'd be willing to trade a fossil hunting spot in return--just PM or post.

Thanks! :D

Tips: Camo clothing. Mud on face. Night vision gogles. Go after midnight. Ha!!!!!


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When I see the word dike, I think of THIS (alright, get your mind out of the gutter). I guess that I have never lived near a coast.

It looks like a jetty. Don't know why they call it a dike.

Check it out. Texas City dike

dike pictures

Of course it is a little banged up at the moment.

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The best place on the dike is about half way out, on the north side. Wait till the first real good norther and the water will be about ankle deep, you can go out a long way and find a lot of stuff. There are some croc teeth too that are quite large, last time I went was back in the 80's, don't worry this place will never run out. Every year or so they re dredge the south channel and that goes to the north side. You know you have hit pay dirt by finding the fossil pine cones and other things. I have hunted the dike since I can't remember, I used to live not far from it, do be careful, there are some deep shark holes there!

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Shark holes???? Are there SHARKS? That's pretty much the only thing that scares me... Anyone planning to go sometime soon and I can just tag along?

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Shark holes???? Are there SHARKS? That's pretty much the only thing that scares me... Anyone planning to go sometime soon and I can just tag along?

Ya, there used to be lots of sharks, the shrimp boats cull their catch all over the place, but the north side is not that deep, mostly in the summer. Here is a picture of the best place to to hunt. Also keep an eye out for chunks of sandstone/claystone mix, they have some nice stuff in them, even fossil crabs.

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Think I may bring a gig or something and not go more than ankle deep because of sharks X( Would bring my 3006 for em, but that would NOT draw the kind of attention anyone wants! lol

Thanks for the map---I'll have to use one of those pedometers to run out a couple miles, then start looking on the left bank. Hopefully I'll be able to get out there soon--I went to Galveston today and found some NICE stuff including a vert that's about 1'6" to 2' tall--I'll post pictures when I can. Going back in the morning, so I'll see what I can find. This region is definitely a great place to fossil hunt--just need to find all the spots,,,which isn't easy...

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The fishing and floundering at night used to be real good there at night, a two man team could clean up. Don't over look the brown crabs either, ugly be good eating. :D

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