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How Big Could This Fish Have Been?


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Hey Guys,

Found two fish tail bones which dwarf my previous largest by a good bit. The bigger one in the picture measures almost 5 1/2" across. I know the actual fish tail would have been considerably larger. Does anyone have any guesses as to how big the tail would have been on the live fish or how big the fish could have been? I know it could vary considerably by species, but just some estimates...




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I would estimate 30 to 50" based on fish I have caught.

Luck is the most important skill of a fossil diver.

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Are you sure? Keep in mind this is just the hypural, which is the structural base of the tail. This means the actual tail with spiny rays would have been several times larger. The attached photo is obviously not the same species, but you get the idea...


Edited by DeloiVarden
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