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What The Heck Is This?

Fat Boy

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Well this picture should convince some people. A few layers of cartilage forming a wedge shape probably from a sawfish rostrum. The inner part (newest pic) likely bounded an internal structure like a nerve/vein complex. The outer surface could have been exposed to different conditions after burial, hence the black staining... differential wear caused much of the black surface to be removed but the texture is the same as the inner surface. If you can't find pictures of shark cartilage I'll pull some up for you.

this one has really great detail, Ill post some pictures of my shark cartilage , its starting to look alot like what you are finding.

---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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Guest bmorefossil
Well this picture should convince some people. I think it shows the black surface in unworn condition. A wedge shape piece from a calcified sawfish rostrum probably. If you can't find pictures of shark cartilage I'll pull some up for you.

ill just take some pictures lol.

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A bit off topic (pharyngeal tooth, by the way)

To take a picture of the end, use Museum Wax to stand it up. We can get that at the home improvement store here in California (where earthquakes shake valuables off shelves) but if you don't live in earthquake country, try the internet. Just a tiny dab will hold it up, and can be removed.

Clay will work too, just be sure it's not colored and not oil based - it will stain the fossil.

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A bit off topic (pharyngeal tooth, by the way)

To take a picture of the end, use Museum Wax to stand it up. We can get that at the home improvement store here in California (where earthquakes shake valuables off shelves) but if you don't live in earthquake country, try the internet. Just a tiny dab will hold it up, and can be removed.

Clay will work too, just be sure it's not colored and not oil based - it will stain the fossil.

Great tip, thanks!

Kevin Wilson

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