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Upper Ordovican (?)


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I was hiking in the Swatara Gap area and found this:


It is about 1.5 cm across and looks distinctly different from these:


Which I believe to be crinoid stems.

And any idea what these might be?


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The astute reader might see a wumpus in some of the above pictures....

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i think that is is also an impression of a crinoid stem segment. the last things are bryozoans.what species i have no idea.


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Solius or Crinus would be the best bet for a definitive answer, but my guess would be the base of a horn coral, or possibly a button coral (if they existed in the Ordovician)

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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The first two photos look like crinoid stem impressions, the third looks like a Fenestella type impression, a Bryozoan

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Guest solius symbiosus

Archimedes pretty much got it. The bryozoan is some kind of fenestrate, but Fenestella didn't come along until the Sil.

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I agree with everyone that the first two are crinoid stem segments. Crinoids have been found at Swatara Gap so that is no surprise. The third is definitely a bryozoan. It looks like a bryozoan I have from the Ordovician of Ontario. That specimen was ID by a Ordovician Bryozoan expert as Stictopora. Yours is probably something similar.


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