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A Recount Of My Galveston Site--lots O Pics!


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Well I sorted everything out yesterday--I only took pictures of the fossils I found and left the unfossilized bone out. The exception is the picture of the 3 [dolphin?] vertebrae I found, which are pretty nice for being "new".

Penny for scale--enjoy

Please give me ID's on the verts if you can! Thanks!


Largest fo the bunch


Someone told me this is from a snake--but REALLY? It's huge for a snake!


What is this Huge vert? Mastodon?


encrusted with bryozoa


best fossil fish vert--complete!!! woohoo!


Huge fish vert



Dolphin tooth?



Ray Plates?

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3 fish skulls and rabbit skull as IDed on last thread


Fish verts and parts


What I believe to be all the mammal verts


Unknow--amphibian? Reptile?


My best small stuff in the case


leg bones (some I took out that were unfossilized looked to be chicken legs lol)


Worn down piece of bone--very heavy


What I think is a leg bone fused to a hip bone of another animal--very weird fossil



And this is? Knee cap??? lol


I have no Idea--fossilized--looks like some weird vert--never seen one like it before


unfossilized/new dolphin verts

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By the way, there's a newer deer leg bone under the fossilized one--I put it in because how oddly similar they are.

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Thanks for re-posting.

That's some pretty interesting stuff in there.

I'll bug you to see the rabbit skull in person some time soon.


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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I may bring some of the stuff up to the Whiskey Bridge trip if we don't meet up sooner :D I'll also bring my Stone City Fm stuff too--hopefully I'll be adding a lot to it! Just invested in a new swing pick WOOHOO move that dirt!!! B)

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Guest Nicholas

The kneecap looks like it could be the ball from the end of a limb bone.

Also your fossilized stuff is very nice as well, great reference pieces.

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Wow, that's some really fantastic stuff. Get back to that site as much as you can!

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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Before I found my first fossil, I had always been on the look-out for skulls (non fossilized) when I was in the field. They are mystical. But to see fossilized ones like that Lagomorph...incredible! Excellent find, and I am beyond jealous. :)

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I think you got a shark nose on what you questioned was a tooth! Rare find, at least for me :shark: Look HERE

Great finds SilverPhoenix!

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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i have one thing to ask you.......can i come fossil hunting with you??!! *grin*!

great stuff, im very very envious! i would agree with those little verts being mammal, as for the large snake i cant tell, get a picture of the other side and then a conclusion can be made to whether or not it is reptile... if it has a convex bulb on the other side then it most likely is reptile, whether it is snake, or perhaps a large lizard? im not sure.

your 'leg bone fused to a hip bone' looks like a pelvis, from what im not sure? mammal perhaps?

Your unknown verts, could be reptile, but they kind of remind me of bird, one in particular. Can you get some pictures of the connecting surfaces?

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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lol I appreciate the comments :D I'm always happy to post more pictures and I'm sorry it takes me soo long--I just always have a ton to upload and this wireless is bad for uploading! :faint:

Anyways, here's more pictures of the unidentified verts. Again, I really appreciate the help IDing them!











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ok that large vert definatly looks reptilian, it doesnt however, look like any snake vertebrae i have ever seen. The two foramens next to the body of the vertabrae are confusing me. Perhaps it is a vert from a croc/alligator? but again i have not seen any with the foramen? im thinking it is a vertebrae from a different part of either of these animals? i really cant say for sure

Those little verts you took more pictures of are very interesting, the first one looks reptile, turtle perhaps? the second is reaaaaaaly interesting, i dont have a clue! the rest look mammal...

Although i wouldnt take my word for everything i have said, wait and see what others say...its hard to say for sure with some of them....but i go by the basis of:

-Flat connecting surfaces = Mammal

-Concave and Convex= reptile

-Two cocave = Amphibian

-Odd Lookin = Bird :P Refer to the picture of my bird vertebrae below!

^there are always exceptions




"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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