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Femur Head


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This was found in a field in southwestern Missouri. I am not even sure if it is a fossil. Can anyone help with identification?






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This was found in a field in southwestern Missouri. We don't know what it is. Can anyone help with identification?

It looks like a water weathered piece of chert to me, I have seen similar here in Southeast Missouri. I saw one once that resembled a vertebral column.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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I agree. I think a mammalian bone of that size would have evidence of where the marrow would have been and a honeycomb structure.

KOF, Bill.

Welcome to the forum, all new members

www.ukfossils check it out.

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It sounds like a consensus. I was hoping it was something rare, oh well. Thanks for all the comments!

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This was found in a field in southwestern Missouri. I am not even sure if it is a fossil. Can anyone help with identification?

I agree with the other clever and good-looking observers; this is not bone. :)



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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I agree with the other clever and good-looking observers; this is not bone. :)

The first time I have been ever called good looking- and by somebody who has never seen me! Maybe there is a reason.......

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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The first time I have been ever called good looking- and by somebody who has never seen me! Maybe there is a reason.......

Brent Ashcraft

My error! In my expansiveness, I neglected to exclude you, 'Ashcraft', from the ranks of the clever and good-looking. Thank you for the correction. ^_^



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Guest Nicholas
My error! In my expansiveness, I neglected to exclude you, 'Ashcraft', from the ranks of the clever and good-looking. Thank you for the correction. ^_^

That made me smile Harry, well done!

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That is one piece of chert that I would keep around just to make people ask questions, use for a door stop or something. It really does look like a bone of some kind at a glance even if it is not, it is still a conversation piece.

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That is one piece of chert that I would keep around just to make people ask questions, use for a door stop or something. It really does look like a bone of some kind at a glance even if it is not, it is still a conversation piece.

i don't stunderand why ya'll don't intivituitly grasp the usious obvage of these sorts of things. it should have just leapt out at everyone that this is a trailer ball hitch that fell off a flintstone mobile during the smilodino epoch. it is therefore a rare and valuable example of a stone age tool. we need to take up a collection, buy the thing, and put it in a glass case in the lobby, with lots of anti-theft equipment monitoring it. especially those laser beams that you blow smoke across to see them before you accidently cross them and set off the alarms.

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I think Tracer knows something we do not know, he must have run a neanderthal dna test on this rare artifact or he has been on the beach too long today

real neat psudofossil

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man, i never thought of the flintstones as neanderthals - that's weird.

speaking of weird, do you recall the hit song "neanderthal man" in 1970 by the group "hotlegs"? it was classic.

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