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Hell Creek Fossil Hunting?


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I need to know if there are any public places somebody can look for vertabrae fossils in hell creek Montana. ASAP because I may be going there on vacation there and need to know to be able to plan.


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You do know that you can't collect vertebrate fossils on public land in Montana. If you are fortunate enough to gain permission to collect on private land that is legal.

I guess you can look, but not collect on BLM land. There is a thread on the forum where you can contact Fossil businesses, that for a fee, will take you collecting. Sorry I can't think of that thread at the moment, perhaps PM one of the administrators and they will be able to help you.

The Hell Creek formation of Montana is a very large area. There are many places to collect invertebrates, primarily ammonites, scaphites and baculites which is legal on BLM lands. Good luck collecting.


Old Dead Things

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Bureau of Land Mangement A federal agency that controls vast amounts of land primarily west of the Mississippi River. No one can collect vertebrate fossils with out permission of the BLM and that is generally reserved for paleontolgists connected with a university or college or an agency that is a repository for vertebrate fossils. On most color maps the BLM is shown in yellow/gold, almost half of Wyoming is BLM.


Old Dead Things

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My impression of Hell Creek for the itinerant dino collector is that a successful mission would require prior contact with one of the area guides who leases land for this express purpose. Prepare to leave a significant portion of your wallet with them when embarking on such an excursion, and prepare to have the guide keep the rare/articulated stuff. From a practical standpoint, digging may be seasonal that far north (no travel dates specified). If it were me, I'd pay the money to do it once, before opportunities, in time, drift out of reach.

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Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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As Dan mentioned, be wary of travel to the Hell Creek formation this time of year.

I collect in eastern Montana, but rarely even consider a trip until May, and then always keep an "eye to the sky" and watch for weather changes. Two years ago I was collecting in southeast Montana the first week in May, collected in short sleeves the first day and was snowed in for the next two.


Old Dead Things

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