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Help With Repairing A 2.8" Chilean Great White Tooth


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Hi Everyone,

I have a very nice 2.8" Chilean Great White which the root has been broken on. Just wondering what is the best glue for the job?

Wood Glue, Crazy Glue, Epoxy Glue etc.

Also the root has some matrix on the root as well, would like to get that off as well before reattaching everything. I tried soaking the root in water for a few hours but that really didn't help much.

Any advice would be appreciated, the tooth is a real beauty so trying to do my best with it.

Cheers ~ Pete

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I'm no expert, but I'll drop in my 2 cents.

I've seen Crazy Glue recommended on other threads. I've also seen white glue (Elmer's) recommended. The thing to watch out for with both is finding a brand that can be cleanly removed if further repairs or restorations are needed.

Here's a post that may be helpful: LINK

Good luck!

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Thank you very much Medio!

Does anyone have any advice on the part about removing some matrix from the root? It appears to be sand, hardened like rock. It is not flaky. There was some flaky type sand matrix on the front of the root which I remove fairly easy but the matrix on the back of the tooth is a tough one!

Cheers ~ Pete

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Chilean matrix is very hard to remove without an air tool. I would not recommend trying to do it without one in fear of further damaging the tooth. If you know a prep person they may be able to do it for you.

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