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Jacobs Creek Quarry

Fossil Foilist

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Is anyone familiar with Jacobs Creek Quarry in Denton,NC. I believe it is pre-Cambrian, cid formation.Thought I might check it out this weekend and didnt know what to expect.



Fossil Foilist

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I've never been there but I've been told that Aspidella is found there. Looks like a small circular indentation in the rock.

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The age of the site is Precambrian but you will not actually be in the quarry. You will be picking through the mounds of reject material that litter the surronding forest. I took my wife and my sons on the NCFC trip led by Ruffin Tucker in February and had a great time. We found nice specimens of Aspidella, microbial mat and what appear to be trace fossils (still awaiting confirmation on the ID). Make sure you wear waterproof boots or bring an extra pair of shoes and socks because it will most likely be a muddy mess due to the recent precipitation.



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