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Shoe'd Out And The Ok Coral.


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well, ok, it's like this. i found this giant, long, very black ancient-looking oyster, and this is one end of it, covered in coral and what looks to me to be heaping mounds of layered bryozoa. hopefully seeing this has been as meaningful an experience for you as it was for me.


and a bonus, in case auspex ever views this gem of a post - a very ancestrally aged (if not decoupaged) bone of what was most probably a bird at one time.


are these kind of pictures good to post, or just too weird for words? (that question was rhetorical, so please don't answer. my widdle feelings are easily hurt).

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That gnarley oyster condo is really cool; did you keep it?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Cool find :D

Hmmmm... so it would seem that you've found my secret spot? lol pic scenery looks identical.

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That gnarley oyster condo is really cool; did you keep it?

um, no. i have this "system", see. it goes like this. if something's a bit cool, i allow my gaze to fix on it for a coupla seconds to bask in it's coolness. if somethings's a little more cool, i call to tj and tell him to come see it, and/or, i take a picture of it in situ. if the item is semi-gnar, i photograph it, pick it up, worry a bit over what to do about keeping it, and then say to tj something like, "i shouldn't keep this, should i?" he says something non-commital, and i put the object down. if the item is gnar, then it more than likely will go home with us, but as a compromise it might end up in the yard rather than the house. if the item is really gnar, it goes in the house, and it might even get shown love in the form of some sort of preparation or preservation. if the item is beyond gnar - i get to prep and preserve it, and then it goes in tj's room.

that's the system.

the oyster condo got rated semi-gnar...it's somewhere in louisiana...

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