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Old Dead Fly's


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If we could have had a picknik back about 45 million years ago, we still would have been swating away the dam fly's. Nowadays, if I find one with both wings, I bring it home. Whats up with that? Ha!!!


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great fly RB, I'm really into these little pests since Douglas pass last year, must have been the cricket I found!! I even dug a couple out of a box I found at McAbees (spelling?) years ago!

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Awesome find, but it looks like a bee? Might just be my inexperience.

With rocks in my head, and fossils in my heart....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I always thought from my bug collecting days that one way to distinguish flies from bees is that flies have two wings and bee like critters have 4 wings. Once I learned that sweat bees were really sweat flies my stress level dropped. Anyway, very nice fossil indeed, very cool!

Maybe there's a fossilized fly swatter near by? LOL

Kevin Wilson

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There are true sweat "bees", which are usually solitary members of the family Halictidae (I think, working from memory), these are the little buggers that sting when trapped when you move your arms, etc. They belong to the order hymenoptera, which includes bees, wasps, ants, and sawflies. I couldn't tell from the picture how many wings were present, but the pinching between and the thorax the abdomen does point toward the hymenoptera.

There are bee mimics in the order diptera, which includes the common yellow "sweet bee", which is actually a fly. There are also flies that look remarkably like wasps. They all belong to the same family, of which I can't remember.

The oddest looking bee mimics are a type of preying mantis, (order mantodea) they look like something out of a bad dream, the rear half is a bee, some are even black and gold, while the front half looks like a preying mantis, complete with grabbing arms.

Why do my kids tell me I am a nerd?

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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