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United States Trilobite Hunting


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My boyfriend and I are working on planning our vacation for this year and were hoping to find a state that is good for fossil hunting, more specifically for trilobites. We currently live in Michigan and are going to be gone for a week which includes driving and stay at the location(s). We have already collected quite a few corals, crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods, and so on from our vacation last year and are wanting to hunt for something different. My boyfriend really loves trilobites so I am hoping, with your help, we can come up with a few places we can go within our week trip to gather a few.

Thank you in advance! :)

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well, i heard utah has great spots for digging up cambrian trilobites. U-dig fossils, for example. they usually charge for admission but from what i read on the internet you can find absolutely LOADS of trilobites at those spots. i have never been to any of these places but have seen quite a few videos and reviews and it sounds like the place your boyfriend would love to go. here is a video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYNuDR3FVmE

I'm CRAZY about amber fossils and just as CRAZY in general.

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Yes the dig sites near Delta Utah are probably some of the best known trilobite collecting areas. Some species pretty common so you are guaranteed finding some whole trilobites there.

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The Penn-Dixie quarry in Buffalo, NY is another great place if you are in the area. Like other have said the U-Dig quarry and the surrounding areas on BLM land are also great places. Just about to hit the road to head down that way tomorrow myself. There is TONS of great trilobite hunting closer to home in Indiana, Ohio, etc. You might want to try connecting with a paleo club like the Dry Dredgers that runs frequent trips in the area.

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We have gone to Penn-Dixie, which was pretty great. We didn't get to stay too long so we didn't come out with anything. We do have plans on making another trip there sometime soon, though.

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I'll second the Penn-Dixie recommendation, with a cautionary note: New York state doesn't allow collecting on public land. If you come here, you may have trouble finding other places to hunt unless someone from TFF is interested in showing you around. However, I know that Ohio does allow public-land collecting, and the Penn-Dixie area is maybe 2 hours from the eastern Ohio border (I don't know about Pennsylvania). If you're loking for several places to hunt, it might be worth spending a few days in Ohio, with a day or two at Penn-Dixie. :D

Most of the trilobites at Penn-Dixie are Phacops rana. I've found a few pieces of Greenops sp. also.

There's a thread under the "Fossil Sites" subforum on fossil sites in Ohio that might be worth looking at: LINK

Good luck, and have a good vacation!

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Facts of life, most fossil collectors are not willing to share their favorite trilobite collecting localities on a global fossil site, for obvious reasons, me included. :)

However the road cuts along SR42 outside of Waynesville, Ohio have some enrolled Flexicalymenes and Isotelus pieces.

Also the road cuts along SR1 outside Brookville , Indiana.

Edited by Herb

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