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Prashanth R

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Hello All

I just picked up these specimens from a mountain in Oman, Middle east.

Kindly guide me how can I preserve them??

I also plan to display them on ma walls.. Kindly suggest how I can !!





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These fossils look to be fairly stable, and may not require special preservation (unless you see flaking or other signs that they are delicate).

These two, by the way, are not fish:


The top one is a cross section of a cephalopod, and the bottom seems to be shelly material, not fish bones.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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If you want to have them look "wet", you can spray them with polyurethane. Generally the cheaper the stuff, the better. The cheaper ones have less polyurethane in them, so it tends not to glob and run. Multiple coats can be applied as they dry to get the look you want.

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Your other two pictures labeled as "fish fossils" also don't look like fish to me. I see bivalve (likely clam) and gastropod (possibly Turritella) cross-sections in the top one, and what I would tentatively call a crinoid calyx in the bottom.

For wall-mounted displays, look into shadow boxes. If you're unfamiliar with the term, they look like picture frames with a 1 or 2 inch deep box behind the glass. You can drill holes in the back to set hooks or whatever type of hangers you want, or you can add shelves fairly easily. There are a number of online dealers that sell them.

Check out the "Member Collections" subforum for other display ideas.

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