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Calvert Cliffs


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What are the best public access locations to Calvert Cliffs? I have to attend a wedding in Philadelphia and was thinking of a day trip.

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Here's a pretty good primer for Calvert Cliffs: LINK

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Where ever you end up going, especially if it is to one of the places that has the really high cliffs, you need to be ever vigilant about where you collect with regards to the cliff face. Especially this time of year when the face of the cliff warms up during the day and stuff starts to slough off; sometimes huge sections collapse. This isn't meant to scare you away but to warn you of the potential dangers since you're not accustomed to collecting there. I've been collecting along the cliffs for 17+ years and just a few weeks ago had a bunch of dirt come raining down across my back. I was fortunate that none of it had rocks or boulders. If you wander close to the cliff face, look quickly and then move away towards the waters edge. Always be aware of your surroundings having an escape plan in mind, which is to run out into the water. Know however, that you'll most likely not get much if any forwarning of an impending collapse. The few people that I know that have been involved in cliff collapses said that they had no forwarning.

All that being said, hope you have a fun time wherever you end up. Matoaka cottages has a mixture of shells and teeth, Flag Ponds state park also has a nice mixture of shells and teeth.


Edited by cowsharks
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