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Tooth? Feels Like It Has Petrified.


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Hi, I am a Comercial Roofer and we come along some interesting things when were are putting rock up on some of the roofs we do. one day I had found this tooth like thing. but i actually only found one piece. It was split in half so i went back in the area and ended up finding the other have to it. I am just curious on if its actually a tooth or something else. And if its a tooth what is it from?


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That is a Bovine tooth. Sorry i can't be more help, but it's almost too hard to tell if it's a fossil from a pic.

Edited by fossilized6s


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Maybe you can do a bit of research and see what fossils are usually found around that area. It could be a Bos fossil tooth, but if Pleistocene fossils aren't usually found in that area it's probably an old Buffalo or Cow.


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That looks like a fish jaw to me, but i could be wrong....


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Your first one looks to be a bison tooth. If it was found in gravel, there's a good chance it is ice age. The coloring/preservation would make me lean towards that.

I believe your second one is a snake jaw.

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Thank you guys for the help! Im not sure where the tooth would come from. The rock that we put on the roofs is I think more of the river rock type. But not positive. We usually have a lot of agots in with the rock so it might be rock from Lake Surperior.

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Any Ideas on this?

Fish gill raker, me thinks.

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I'm going with fin spine most likely from a catfish of some kind.

(There you go three guesses to start from!!)


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I see a snake jaw as well. How do you guys see a fish spine?

Enlarge the image, and you will see that the barbs are not teeth.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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I see a snake jaw as well. How do you guys see a fish spine?

I don't see a catfish spine either. The texture isn't there and there isn't a joint on the end. It's a jaw of some sort. Fish (Northern Pike, Walleye, Musky)? Or Snake (Timber Rattler, Water snake, Rat snake)? Or maybe even a Lizard??


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Auspex your gill raker is an interesting concept!! I just looked up what they look like, and it is similar.


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I think Auspex is right on that one! Definitely not a Walleye, Pike or Musky jaw. I fish for all 3 of those fish. It could be a catfish fin spine but the species of catfish I catch at least don't have barbs running down the whole spine. Just a barbed tip.

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