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Is There Anyway To Obtain K-T Boundary Material?


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Does anyone have or know where to get K-T boundary material? I know it's high in Iridium content, is it illegal to have?

Here's what im talking about.



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Does anyone ... know where to get K-T boundary material?

Go to where it is exposed and collect some. :)

"I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in. Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map?"  ~Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) 


New Mexico Museum of Natural History Bulletins    


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There’s no problem in owning such specimens. There are three samples here, obtained from various sources in the past:


I’ve sent you a PM with a link to the website of a friend of mine in the UK who currently has some specimens for sale.

“High” in iridium is only a relative term of course. The boundary material is typically around 42 parts per billion, versus more typical values around 0.3 parts per billion for other parts of Earth’s surface.

Edited by painshill


I keep six honest serving-men (they taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who [Rudyard Kipling]

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You might be interested in this:

Yancy, T.E. and K.J. Koenig. 1984.

The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary and Lower Tertiary of the Brazos River Valley.

It's a field trip guidebook from the South Texas Geological Society. You can order it here:


There are a lot of other inexpensive geology and paleontology publications there (some only a dollar or two).

Does anyone have or know where to get K-T boundary material? I know it's high in Iridium content, is it illegal to have?

Here's what im talking about.

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  • 2 years later...

What exactly are you looking for? A bunch of what I collect is along this boundary in Mississippi.

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The Scollard Formation ( and others) in Alberta span the Cretaceous/Paleocene. I probably have traces of the division stuck in the treads of my hiking boots. Have to cross the KT boundary when going down to roam around Late Maastrichtian terrestrial badlands (home of Trex and friends).

Supposedly no dino material above the bounday but I have found a few raptor teeth in the earliest Paleocene. Perhaps they got there via flooding, glaciation, etc....but?

Edited by Ridgehiker
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