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Can Someone Tell Me What This Is?


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Would someone please help? I found this at Sam Rayburn Reservoir in East TX. It is definitely a fossil.

I am new on this site, so bare with me. Thi picture ma not be big enough or clear enough. I also can't seem to figure out my buddy's camera/computer.



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p.s. - if you decide to sift a bunch to look for fossils in the claiborne group of east texas (weches formation, et al), try not to breathe the dust, and wear gloves. the glauconitic mudstones of those rock units have been found to have elevated arsenic levels, from what i've read online...

oh, p.p.s. - that stuff is probably middle eocene, like 30-40 million years ago.

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Thanks. I had no idea about the toxicity issue. I found this in the gravel on the shore, but I will heed the warning in the areas where I dig. I always thought that green dirt was a little strange.

I found a couple of other things that I could use help with, but I didn't bring them to work.

What other fossils could be in an area where I found the pictured item?

Thanks again, Travis

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it is my understanding that glauconite is largely comprised of mollusc poop that's had a bit of chemical weirdness over the ages. lots of iron in it too, as i recall. might have to go re-read on it some. oughta be all marine shells for the most part. oughta be a few shark teeth hanging around the same haunts as the ray bars. maybe some fish teeth, verts or earbones. don't know. haven't really hunted there much. but the green dirt is even used for some road covering in east texas, so gotta be a bunch of it somewhere.

look up the info on the stone city formation on the hgms website - that's claiborne group also, even though it's not in east texas. the old shoreline was curved...

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  • 2 weeks later...
the glauconitic mudstones of those rock units have been found to have elevated arsenic levels, from what i've read online..

Another reason why Florida's a hunter's paradise! lol

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Hey thats cool lookin! So did you have any luck on Monday or Tuesday?

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