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Back To My Baby!

Guest bmorefossil

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Guest bmorefossil

I went back to my spot, what I will call my first trip of the year. This is my first trip to calvert cliffs every other trip has been on the river so it was nice to get back into the swing of things. I ran into some people but no one made it to where I like to go so I was alone for the day. Shortly after finding a vert I found a meg hiding in the frozen sand, this was only about an hour into the hunt. Teeth were pretty hard to find today, but every now and then I would find one nice tooth, most of the time the waves would uncover the teeth. A few hours later I notice in a block that there is a huge fish, so I text tropical what I had found and he really wanted me to try and get it out. Let me just stop here and explain why I didnt get this thing out, the fish fossils at least where I hunt do not fossilize well they flake apart so easily, the head of this thing was just falling apart all over. This was also because of the freeze thaw that happens durring this time of year. The blocks are made of really soft clay which makes it really easy to get things out but at the same time the things are usually broken. I did get one vert from the fish but as you can see its broken )=. On my way back to my car I met a dog, he was very friendly and began to talk with his owner, he asked me what I had found and he said well I guess I should go the other way and laughed (there is nothing but houses the other way), I laughed and went on my way. Well maybe that guy should have because a few hundred feet later I find a meg with footprints all around it!!!! I thought that was pretty funny. Found some nice makos, and some broken ray plates, you usually dont find many but 3 for a day is pretty cool. 2 mammal jaws and some great fish material.


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I went back to my spot, what I will call my first trip of the year. This is my first trip to calvert cliffs every other trip has been on the river so it was nice to get back into the swing of things. I ran into some people but no one made it to where I like to go so I was alone for the day. Shortly after finding a vert I found a meg hiding in the frozen sand, this was only about an hour into the hunt. Teeth were pretty hard to find today, but every now and then I would find one nice tooth, most of the time the waves would uncover the teeth. A few hours later I notice in a block that there is a huge fish, so I text tropical what I had found and he really wanted me to try and get it out. Let me just stop here and explain why I didnt get this thing out, the fish fossils at least where I hunt do not fossilize well they flake apart so easily, the head of this thing was just falling apart all over. This was also because of the freeze thaw that happens durring this time of year. The blocks are made of really soft clay which makes it really easy to get things out but at the same time the things are usually broken. I did get one vert from the fish but as you can see its broken )=. On my way back to my car I met a dog, he was very friendly and began to talk with his owner, he asked me what I had found and he said well I guess I should go the other way and laughed (there is nothing but houses the other way), I laughed and went on my way. Well maybe that guy should have because a few hundred feet later I find a meg with footprints all around it!!!! I thought that was pretty funny. Found some nice makos, and some broken ray plates, you usually dont find many but 3 for a day is pretty cool. 2 mammal jaws and some great fish material.


v = 0.25 * g0.5 * SL1.67 * h-1.17

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