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Proboscidea Molar Identification?


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Does anyone know of a good article regarding how to identify the different members of the Proboscidea family?

I can tell the difference between Mastodon, Wooly and Southern Mammoth and of course modern Elephant teeth, but beyond that, I am a bit stuck :/

Thanks ahead of time :)

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Although published in 1936, Osborn's "Proboscidea" is still excellent. I downloaded a copy from somewhere a while ago but it's an 88MB pdf file and runs to over 800 pages, so too big to attach here. I don't recall where I downloaded it from but maybe another member can provide the original internet source.

If not, send me your real email address by PM and I'll send you a copy.


I keep six honest serving-men (they taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who [Rudyard Kipling]

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