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Any Good Geology/paleontology Books Out There?


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Hello! I apologize if this is the wrong place to put this question. I want to learn more about geology and paleontology and fossils, so I was wondering if anybody knew of some good learning books, or textbooks or anything for amateurs? I will be purchasing Charles Finley's book " A Field Guide to Fossils Of Texas" so I just wanted to see if there was anything else out there.

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http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/46298-ordoviciansilurian-id-books/?view=findpost&p=500868This is a link to a very similar question that I posted about a week ago, I hope it helps. I've got a few other books kicking around too that are kind of fun, once I find the titles I'll post them too. And don't worry about posting questions in the wrong spot, you're among friends here. That book you said you were getting in Texas fossils looks like a good start too. Edited by Pumpkinhead
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A great way to get a good handle on both geology and paleontology is with a used college level earth history text. if you are near a university town find the used book stores. try and get something no more than 5 years out of date and you will have a great resource. l liked those books because they included glossaries and were always structured well. And best of all there will be no finals.

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"Fossil hunting" by Steve Parker is a fun book for beginners. It gives general advice about pretty much all of the aspects of fossil hunting such as major fossil sites and safety precautions. There's even a small identification part at the end. I still read this book for fun, just because it's so well put together.

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If you go through the pages of the "Fossil Literature" section of this site, you will find a few threads about people asking for good beginner books. One book I think you should check out is "Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway." It's the story of a paleontologist taking an artist fossil collecting across the Rocky Mountain region.

Hello! I apologize if this is the wrong place to put this question. I want to learn more about geology and paleontology and fossils, so I was wondering if anybody knew of some good learning books, or textbooks or anything for amateurs? I will be purchasing Charles Finley's book " A Field Guide to Fossils Of Texas" so I just wanted to see if there was anything else out there.

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If you go through the pages of the "Fossil Literature" section of this site, you will find a few threads about people asking for good beginner books. One book I think you should check out is "Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway." It's the story of a paleontologist taking an artist fossil collecting across the Rocky Mountain region.

thank you! I didnt know that section existed. I will definitely check it out :)
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A great way to get a good handle on both geology and paleontology is with a used college level earth history text. if you are near a university town find the used book stores. try and get something no more than 5 years out of date and you will have a great resource. l liked those books because they included glossaries and were always structured well. And best of all there will be no finals.

oh gosh, finals.. I'm happy I won't have any! Haha. But I will definitely see if I can find one. Will I be able to understand or will there be big words/scientific terms?
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http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/46298-ordoviciansilurian-id-books/?view=findpost&p=500868This is a link to a very similar question that I posted about a week ago, I hope it helps. I've got a few other books kicking around too that are kind of fun, once I find the titles I'll post them too. And don't worry about posting questions in the wrong spot, you're among friends here. That book you said you were getting in Texas fossils looks like a good start too.

sorry for worrying, I just don't want to get yelled at or banned for accidentally posting in the wrong spot.thank you for being nice :) I'll check that out right now. Wow! It seems there are a lot of good books out there...I can't wait to get my hands on them. :)
Thank you! I appreciate it. I'll check it out right now :)
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oh gosh, finals.. I'm happy I won't have any! Haha. But I will definitely see if I can find one. Will I be able to understand or will there be big words/scientific terms?

You will be fine. What makes these great is that they almost always have glossaries explaining all the technical terms. And these are usually "Intro" books even if they are college level. Compared to many other books they ARE meant to TEACH you the subject matter.

Edited by erose
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Of course, as with fossils, the deeper you're willing to dig, the more you'll find. :)

Context is critical.

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