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My Travels Through Time…day 2 And 3 The Eocene And Oligocene


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Saturday morning we headed out and still the cold persisted. But there was hope, it was supposed to warm into the 40’s by afternoon. As always my goal at the Eocene exposures at LaFarge is to find my first Auriculatus. But again today it was not to be. I did find a nice but small Eocene Mako within minutes of first light. I ended up with some other makos and a few fish verts. I also found a few Hemipristis curvatus teeth before the 12:00pm ending time.

Later that afternoon I tried my luck in one of the local ditches with Oligocene exposures that had been recommended to me. My goal was to find my first angustidens and of course some teeth with those awesome Summerville colors. I was not disappointed. The afternoon’s digging and sifting gave me a nice assortment of teeth including, some nice Hemis, Hammerhead, Contortus and many other small teeth. The high lights of the day were a complete Porpoise tooth, a worn whale tooth, a Catticus missing a cusp and my first Angy minus a root lobe and a cusp.

The following day on my way out of town I just had to hit that ditch again! I am glad I made that decision, as it was even better than the day before. I added a nice Carcharias tooth, a couple Baraccuda teeth, a fish tooth, and a bird bone. But the best of all was 2 more Angys! The first was 1 ¾” and just as glossy as the day the shark lost it with only a tiny chip on the tip and some serrations on one side were missing. The second was a small posterior tooth at 5/8”. It has every serration and a perfect tip. At first I thought the root had been chipped but upon closer inspection it was all there just a little deformed. The morning had been a perfect end to my stay in South Carolina! I headed north to hook up with BRSR for some hunting in North Carolina the following day.



post-281-1232922933_thumb.jpg Nice little Angy

post-281-1232922944_thumb.jpg I love these Summerville colors


post-281-1232922966_thumb.jpg Look at these colors!

post-281-1232922976_thumb.jpg ?

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awsome teeth, love them colors you can find them in the bay but its pretty hard

What a trip you can't ask for much more. You really scored!!!

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Wow, you can find teeth that look just like that not too far from my house! Just fooling around. I enjoyed your visit and am still sad I couldn't accompany you to the creek. I am glad though, you were able to have good fortune going it alone. As always, nice finds and keep them coming!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bird bone!

Great stuff, OB1 :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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