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The Common House Fly.

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Since reading the book "Worlds In Collision" years ago, (a masterpiece by the way), I've always wondered exactly when the common House Fly first appears in the fossil record to date?

--- Joshua


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Since reading the book "Worlds In Collision" years ago, (a masterpiece by the way), I've always wondered exactly when the common House Fly first appears in the fossil record to date?

I don't know when, but I am sure it was the worst moment of the evolution, together with mosquito :ninja:

Edited by Nandomas
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Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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It appeared just before the flyswatter evolved from a kitchen spatula and just after the house was invented.

Edited by Scylla
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It appeared just before the flyswatter evolved from a kitchen spatula and just after the house was invented.

awhaha....and right before "fruit roll-ups" evolved into sticky fly traps...:D

I don't know when, but I am sure it was the worst moment of the evolution, together with mosquito :ninja:

No doubts about that sir!

--- Joshua


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This is the exact fly i'm talking about=Musca.domestica.


--- Joshua


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What i'm trying to say is that with the common House Fly being one of the most widely distributed flies on Earth,why is it they don't appear to be in the fossil record??? As far as i know, there isn't even the first single instance of Musca.domestica appearingas a fossil from any era. What's up with that? One would think that surely there would be hundreds of specimens preserved in the Ambers, Copals, and Shales of the world....especially since they are so extremely common......what's going on??? It makes me think they simply haven't been around long enough to be found as fossils....

--- Joshua


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There is abundant fossil evidence for extant families, such as Drosophilidae and Muscidae, not appearing until the Eocene (Beverly and Wilson 1984; Grimaldi and Cumming 1999).

Yeates, D.K., & Wiegmann, B.M. (2005)

Phylogeny and evolution of Diptera: recent insights and new perspectives.

In: The evolutionary biology of flies, Columbia University Press, 430 pp.

I'd suggest contacting David Grimaldi for the most current data available, please post back any info he provides!



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Another reason for bias or lack of fossils would be suitable habitat as with the development of modern society as we know. In my part of Australia we have three types of fly and all appear to be dependant on different breeding mediums - The sticky fly found in the drier western area breeds in cattle excrement (hence the introduction of dung beetles), The house fly seems to breed in our rubbish but is just as happy to use canine excrement. Both of these mediums is generated by mankind through wastage or farming. I would therefore suspect their numbers were not that great and so the fossil record of the actual house fly will be limited by lack of habitat and actual country or area of origin.


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technically a House fly would only be found in the last 50,000 years or so after we started building housing structures. There are lots of flys in the Eocene of Florrisant of Colorado

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"_ Carl Sagen

No trees were killed in this posting......however, many innocent electrons were diverted from where they originally intended to go.

" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

"can't we all just get along?" Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacks

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