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New Florida Hunting Spot?


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Does anyone know about spots in Joshua Creek, Florida? I know it runs into the Peace, but I'm not sure if it produces many fossils.

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pretty much any creek in the Peace River area will have fossils to some degree, look for the black gravely areas on the bottom

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

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Always use the search feature of this forum to find threads about any topic -- So if you do a search for "Joshua" you will find reports of numerous TFF members who have searched Joshua Creek in the last couple of months and found tons of fossils. SS

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Yup. Joshua has some gravel beds. Make yourself a gravel probe out of a fiberglass rod and a comfy handle and walk the creek when the water level is low (not much time left this season). Probe through the sand while you walk looking for any areas of sand covered gravel. When you find some, stop and dig for a while. Several Florida TFF members have pock marked portions of the bottom of that creek but there are still areas out there producing nice fossils Caleb (Scramblered) puts in a lot of effort every time he is on the creek and always shames us with the things he finds.

Joshua crosses 17 south of Arcadia (just north of Nocatee) but it also crosses 70 east of Arcadia. I've often wanted to try this second access point but haven't had the time yet.

Good hunting.


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Thanks for the tips. We tried Joshua creek but didn't find many fossils. We did find some nice turtle shell pieces and a few big gators!

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