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Impressions, Maybe Beetles


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Ok... I have no idea what these are, really, lol.

Beetle or leaf impressions? they're kind of deep for leaves, though.

I found them all in the same place and they're all a little different.

I don't know the age, either. I can post another picture for scale if needed.

The second one is the largest, the others are relatively small. Thanks!



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Guest solius symbiosus

They wouldn't be beetles if they were collected in the early Paleozoic. Beetles hadn't evolved yet. I'm thinking that they are molds of brachiopods.

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Thanks for your reply. That would make more sense, although I really have no idea about the age.

I am a newbie but I've never seen anything else that looks like them.

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Yeah, I would think they're bivalves and not brachiopods because the upper and bottom halves of the shells are symmetrical and in a brachiopod they'd be asymmetrical, correct?

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Guest solius symbiosus

^^Sort of, brachiopods exhibit symmetry longitudinally(from front to back), and bivalves symmetry are along the commissure(orthogonal to longitude), or "along" the hinge. Hope you got that. ;)

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Just FYI, the rocks in Ontario are Mississipian (one small area near Chatham I believe), Devonian around your location, Silurian in a stripe from Niagara thru Hamilton and up into Lake Huron/Georgian Bay, Ordovician thru the rest of cental Ontario and Cambrian further north. Basically nothing newer than 340 million yrs, with the exception of ice-age mammals scattered around (the mammoth at the ROM was from the Niagara area). Definitely too early for insects

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Thanks :) I'm learning!!

For some reason I didn't think they would be that old.

I am still trying to get used to thinking in a geologic time scale, I haven't memorized the order of any eras past the mesozoic and I don't know where all of the epochs fit in yet, lol.

e: I checked a map and my location is late silurian.

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Oh okay, thanks.

The map is a little weird but I think it's from the upper member of the Lindsay formation, which doesn't mean anything to me, but.

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The rounded pebbles suggest glacial erratics to me (so they could be found many miles from the site of origin), and the fossils look a lot like worn sections of Pentamerus brachiopods. They had a large internal septum that almost divides the pedicle valve in two. These are common in some of the Silurian formations in Southern Ontario, such as the Fossil Hill Formation. They don't look like anything I'm familiar with from the Lindsey.


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