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Corsicana Fm Goodies, Upper K, South Tx

Uncle Siphuncle

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Forgot to add Codiopsis stephensoni, Proraster dalli, Pachydiscus sp.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Those interior whorls are ....whoaa...aaa...(stared too long at them)...are nice.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Those are horrible looking..........Can you send them to me???? :D

great finds! And I agree with JJ.....nice juvie whorl man.

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Super cool stuff, Dan!

Did the pachy need lot's of prep or did it come out of formation like that?


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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This Pachy was half eroded out of a nodule. It seems to be somewhat phosphatized, and the marl separated cleanly and easily from the surface of the fossil, so even though the cingulum was plugged with matrix, I was able to follow the juvie whorls with my scribe. It is one of my favorite Maastrichtian ammonites. I'm not sure of species. Ammonites often have a show side and a no side - this one is great from all angles. Akers doesn't list any Pachydiscus species from the Corsicana, but under the Nacatoch it lists P. scotti and P. arkansanus and under the Escondido it lists P. aff. colligatus. I think all my ammonite finds in this formation are scientificallly significant. Even Kennedy and Cobban in the paper on Kco ammonites fail to list anything from South Texas, and their North Texas fauna don't very closely match what I find down here. I've sent pics directly to Larson but gotten no reply. Oh well, if academia shows no interest in my finds, I'll continue to stack 'em up for my own enjoyment!


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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I've sent pics directly to Larson but gotten no reply. Oh well, if academia shows no interest in my finds, I'll continue to stack 'em up for my own enjoyment!

No,No,No...don't give up!

Keep knocking on those doors.

Someone eventually will hear it!

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This Pachy was half eroded out of a nodule. It seems to be somewhat phosphatized, and the marl separated cleanly and easily from the surface of the fossil, so even though the cingulum was plugged with matrix, I was able to follow the juvie whorls with my scribe. It is one of my favorite Maastrichtian ammonites. I'm not sure of species. Ammonites often have a show side and a no side - this one is great from all angles. Akers doesn't list any Pachydiscus species from the Corsicana, but under the Nacatoch it lists P. scotti and P. arkansanus and under the Escondido it lists P. aff. colligatus. I think all my ammonite finds in this formation are scientificallly significant. Even Kennedy and Cobban in the paper on Kco ammonites fail to list anything from South Texas, and their North Texas fauna don't very closely match what I find down here. I've sent pics directly to Larson but gotten no reply. Oh well, if academia shows no interest in my finds, I'll continue to stack 'em up for my own enjoyment!

That's really cool - keep up the good work!

On a side note I saw that the "cretaceous fossils.com" site was down.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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