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10 More Gmr Unidentified Fossils....


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The following are a compilation of my "unidentified" finds from some of my last trips to the GMR (Green Mill Run) in Greenville, North Carolina. Hoping to get an ID or "peer" review verification on them. For those not familiar with GMR, it is a popular stream for collecting fossils. The Green Mill Run contains fossils from the Pliocene through the Cretaceous Period. Thanks in advance for any assistance on these!!! I'm a recently new GMR collector so any info is appreciated, especially if anyone knows the general "scene" ie Pliocene, Eocene...etc they come from.


Box of various shells (detailed pix of shells below...).


What I believe is a fossil Cretaceous oyster (Exogyra cancellata).


Don't know this one. Looks like a Cretaceous oyster similar to a modern oyster shell.


Don't know these shells.


Don't know these shells.


What I believe is a fossil barnacles (Balanus concavus) or have been told possible coprolite...


What I believe is worn flat pieces of coprolite... or are they just rocks?


Don't know this one. Been told a possible "bone base" to a sting ray barb.


Been told this is a possible squalodon, porpoise or whale jawbone with a partial tooth socket.


Don't know this one. Tooth or External mold?


Unidentified gastropod species...


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Guest bmorefossil

ok the one looks like an iron deposit, the coprolite looks to me like a rock or maybe a shell mold(they can look like that sometimes), the sting ray thing is actually a partal fish skull (= awsome, um whats next the squalodon. I think we can go with squalodon for now is it in bone or what is that? The thing that looks like enamel i think is a mold

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I'll give it a shot.

Exogyra costata, Graphea convexa, Astarte and Glycymeris, Mercenaria, Balanus casts, concretions, partial fish skull, Mosasaur, crab cast, indeterminate gastropod cast.

yep i think that mosasaur would fit better for gmr

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