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Large Morrocan Crinoid Plate - Real?


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I can not think of a better home for it (unless it were in mine)!!

Nice plate!!


Thank you, Tony :1-SlapHands_zpsbb015b76:

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I have seen a few on e-bay that appeared to be casts...you could see the gray color was painted on the crinoids, often not staying in the lines exactly. The easiest way to determine real from fake is to look at the cross-sections of the crinoid stems themselves...they should stand out from the surrounding matrix and show flat edges where the calcite split along its cleavage planes--most often, there are concentric rings of differing colors in the crinoid stem cross section.

In the casts I had seen on-line, there was a solid wall of plaster? resin? where the crinoid stem should have appeared in cross section against the matrix.


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Don't buy it! It is a fake. You can see the color of the rock its on differs slightly from the place the actual crinoid shows up. This is a big warning sign! I lost alot of money buying these fakes...however, it IS a very nice fake. (I know. I have several of them).

I would be interested in seeing photos of the ones that you have that you believe are fake, so we can educate ourselves better.


Edited by prem
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regarding post nr.11:

A lot of the crinoid arms seem to be current oriented?????? And i do mean A LOT.It looks for all the world like someone tried to fake a nice and orderly taphocoenosis.

Edited by doushantuo




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I don't know much about higher-end fake fossils, but there is a detective trick we use for ancient coins. Casting technology has gotten very good, so if I think a coin is a modern cast, I scan around to try to find an exact match. For the higher-end fakes the forgers (or artists, whatever...) will make more than one fake. If you find an exact match, you know it is a modern fake. The ones with the very good detail are difficult to make, so the forger can't afford to only make one copy, there must be more out there.

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I purchased a similar plate to Bevs last year, and it's 100% real with the exception of the very crude crack filler.


They're nice show pieces for a nice price.

Edited by fossilized6s


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I purchased a similar plate to Bevs last year, and it's 100% real with the exception of the very crude crack filler.

attachicon.gif2016-05-26 21.23.16.jpg

They're nice show pieces for a nice price.

That is a BEAUTIFUL plate! I like how distinct yours are. These were floating crinoids and I think that is why mine show a lot of wave action.

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Thank you for sharing that link with us, doushantuo! I couldn't read the language but truly enjoyed the pictures. :-)

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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Stunning, Bev :wub::wub::wub: !!!

I also think this is a real Scyphocrinites elegans.I would add that this specimen came from the Silurain of Erfoud (Morocco).


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Stunning, Bev :wub::wub::wub: !!!

I also think this is a real Scyphocrinites elegans.I would add that this specimen came from the Silurain of Erfoud (Morocco).


Thank you so much, Guguita! I love it. :-D

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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Don't buy it! It is a fake. You can see the color of the rock its on differs slightly from the place the actual crinoid shows up. This is a big warning sign! I lost alot of money buying these fakes...however, it IS a very nice fake. (I know. I have several of them).

A lot of fossils are coloured to make them stand out from the matrix which this looks like. I've got a couple of Heteromorphs that have been coloured but they are real ammonites, just enhanced. I'd be very happy to own this peice.

Welcome to the forum :)

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