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Going on a private fossil walk soon with a local expert. But live asked him to structure it in a more advanced way.

I want to know the ages and names of the Rock formations.

The type of fossils found in different types of rocks.

Where the larger more articulated things are found.

Signs there may be fossils in a rock.

Anything else? The area in question will be Lyme Regis.

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I envy you! You're going on a guided 'tour' of a famous fossil site! If I was going, I would ask the same questions and just a couple more.

1. What are the danger(s) of the site.

2, What and where is it legal to collect.

Take pictures and post 'em of your expedition!

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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The Lyme guys will tell you all this and more, if you are going with the same ones I went with. The guys based out of the town museum are very good.

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I would also ask:

1. What are the typical associations of fossils? Example: if I find these, will I find those?

2. If formations appear to be similar, how do I make distinctions?

Should be fun.

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I live in Lyme and go fossiling there very regularly so I'm familiar with the area. Been on a fossil walk with Paddy Howe from the museum before but everything was very basic as he had to accommodate for the kids. But I wanted more detailed information and stuff that will help me find better fossils so I asked him about this private fossil walk and he said he will. Thanks for the suggestions guys.

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