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Sooooo Who Is Going The Nsr This Weekend?


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So who is up for checking out some of the feeder creeks going into the NSR? The river it self has been pretty picked clean since we haven't had any rain, so I thought about creek hopping myself. If anyone would like to join they are welcome.

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Hi Mbetts, I have a thread in the hunting trips section about going there Saturday. Meeting at the 34 and going elsewhere from there.So far traviscounty is going. We could meet up with you and follow you around to the creeks.

Whatch think?

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Hi Mbetts, I have a thread in the hunting trips section about going there Saturday. Meeting at the 34 and going elsewhere from there.So far traviscounty is going. We could meet up with you and follow you around to the creeks.

Whatch think?

Works for me.

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momma you kinda said why and not who lol

I noticed it after I pushed the button and couldn't change it, hopefully they know what I meant.

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I'm going to be there. What do I need to bring?

Do you have a backhoe? :D

I was down there a couple of weeks ago, and it's muddy. Definitely waterproof boots.

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Do you have a backhoe? :D

I was down there a couple of weeks ago, and it's muddy. Definitely waterproof boots.

Sorry no backhoe. I do have a grandson though. ;)

Yeah, I was initiated last weekend. Brought half the river bottom and 90% of the burrs back with me via my poodle. Took an hour to get him clean. Last trip he's going to make to SR.

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a long time ago, tj and i went to the nsr. we trekked through weeds on the side of an obscure entry and i got some of those little triangular sticky seeds all over me, when we were through and got back into our vehicle, somehow i ended up getting a bunch of those seeds stuck on the headliner material on the inside roof of the vehicle. i left them there as a reminder of the adventure, and they're still there.

nsr is just one of my favorite places.

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I'm going to be there. What do I need to bring?

I bring a backpack with all the goodies in it..... Lunch,tools,water,specimen containers, some rope.

I also bring kneepads for crawling.If you want to bulk sample bring buckets.Waterproof boots.

We are meeting at the 34 bridge at 9am.

Hope to see you there!

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Guest solius symbiosus
I noticed it after I pushed the button and couldn't change it, hopefully they know what I meant.

I think that if you hit the "full edit" button in the original post you can also edit the title. If not, let me know and I will fix it for you.

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I bring a backpack with all the goodies in it..... Lunch,tools,water,specimen containers, some rope.

I also bring kneepads for crawling.If you want to bulk sample bring buckets.Waterproof boots.

We are meeting at the 34 bridge at 9am.

Hope to see you there!

Speaking of which, Harbor Freight Tools has knee pads (industrial vice volleyball) on sale for cheap right now.

Bought some yesterday. :D

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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I think that if you hit the "full edit" button in the original post you can also edit the title. If not, let me know and I will fix it for you.

I tried, but I couldn't edit the title, thanks

EDIT: Done :)

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mommabetts, if you find a mosasaur tail coming out of the bank, get Barry to hold it while you reach into the mud an grab it behind the head! Good hunting.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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mommabetts, if you find a mosasaur tail coming out of the bank, get Barry to hold it while you reach into the mud an grab it behind the head! Good hunting.

I that a Tx version of okie noodlin' ?

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"Mosasaur noodling"; it sounds so....Texan!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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"Mosasaur noodling"; it sounds so....Texan!

Hey, it works for me! :P

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I was there last weekend and I was "stuck in the mud". The river is VERY silted in right now. I believe it is the result of many very small rains and no toad stranglers. Spoke with 3 other collectors, all of which were empty handed and I would have been to if I had not scowered the red layer on a bank to find a couple of nice black gastropods. Still wish I could go though. Good Luck.

I don't know if this may be common knowledge or not, but a good tool to use before venturing out to the river is the USGS stream data website for Texas. This is a link to all Texas streams that have monitoring stations:


If you select the location of: N Sulphur Rv nr Cooper, TX; site>07343000

You can get real time river level data, or at least the conditions as of 15 minutes ago. Here is an example:


Lots of tools on the site, you can look at historical data too. Go to drop down box for available data, select daily data and enter the range of dates you want to look at. Here is an example report for the last 2 years of rain data:


You can see that the river essentially has had no discharge since April last year even though there has been precipitation, I believe this explains the current condition fairly well.

At least the current condition is quite dry, no rain there in the last week or so. Should minimize the areas with super sticky muck.

Have fun,

Gary T

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.

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