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Travel Time To Regular Fossiling Location


Travel Distances  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. How far do you travel in order to do your regular fossil hunting

    • Little to no travel time. I trip over fossils whenever I exit my front porch
    • <30 minutes. My regular fossiling location is relatively nearby, in the neighborhood or same city area, and is easy to get to.
    • 30min - 2 hours. It takes significant travel time to get to my destination, and I have to consider travel time with any time constraints I might have for fossiling.
    • 2 hours - 1 day. It takes major time to travel, and I might even spend the full day traveling and start fossiling the next day, depending on how soon I can get started
    • 1 day. My sympathy to anyone who chooses this option

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I can get to the 2 quarries I hunt in about 45 min. The quarries themselves are maybe 5 minutes apart.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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It vary's a ton for me. Sometimes I'll find a good road cut or quarry two minutes away. Sometime's it's a three hour drive and sometimes it's a 5-hour plane flight to either..Utah,Wyoming,Nevada,or Colorado. and then hours to drive to the fossil hunting place once I get there

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Depends on what I am collecting.

Pierre Shale: (40 miles) 45 minutes

Frontier Formation: (70 miles, 30 of them dirt) Two hours

Fossil Fish: (349 miles) Six hours

Montana: (300 miles) Five hours

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Most of my hunting spots are in the 4 to 5 hour range each way for the day hunts.When I really get ambitious,7 to 8 hours one way.

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Depends on where I'm going. Normally where I go take a little less than 2 hours in MD. 6+ hours to get down to NC for the Lee Creek/GMR trip.

I'd love to go to Texas though. I have a future sister-in-law there. She said I could come visit if she still has a job at the Houston Chronicle after the next few months otherwise she's coming back here. Is Houston close to any sites that you guys hunt at?

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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The closest decent collecting sites, where I can be assured of finding at least one fossil, are about two hours away. Most of my really nice spots are four hours or more away.

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It all depends on what is on my shopping list that day. :o

Dino stuff, can be an hour away, or up to 5 hours.

Plant ,depends what age (formation) up to 3 hours

Sea sh-t, also depends what age, from two to 5 hours

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Well folks, I live in the south of Norway. Lots of nice minerals and stones here, but NO fossils. When I do want to collect I prepare a long trip from at least one week. It takes me a half an hour drive to the coast were I can take the ferry (boat) to Denmark. From there its a bout a two hour drive to my nearest favourite spot, where I can collect some nice echinoids. But my favourite spots are in Holland and Belgium, were the sharksteeth are, hahaha. so that takes me at least 8 hours extra. So when planning such a trip a make a few more stops, my coming trip will take me to some Cretaceous quarries near Hannover, Miocene in Holland, Miocene Belgium and Cretaceous Belgium and on the way back Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene Denmark. 10 days of fossil fun!


Qua patet orbis

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Depends on where I'm going. Normally where I go take a little less than 2 hours in MD. 6+ hours to get down to NC for the Lee Creek/GMR trip.

I'd love to go to Texas though. I have a future sister-in-law there. She said I could come visit if she still has a job at the Houston Chronicle after the next few months otherwise she's coming back here. Is Houston close to any sites that you guys hunt at?

There are fossils here in Houston, but you really can't find them unless somebody is digging a really deep hole. Depending on what part of town you are in, about an hour drive will get you to the beach, where you may or may not find something. An hour or so in another direction will get you to Eocene shells and petrified wood, where you are guaranteed to find something. 2 1/2 to 3 hours will get you into the Cretaceous.

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As I live in North Dallas area, I can get to Kb and Kap in <5 min, lower K, <1hr, the Sulpher Rivers in 1-1.5 hours, and finally Pennsylvannian deposits in 2 hrs. Oh yes, I can go to Dan's SA sites in 4 hours... heh heh...

(With Dan of course) :rolleyes:


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My favorites Hunting ground is in South Carolina, but I live in Alabama. I usually make 4-5 trips a year. The trip takes 8-9 hours driving time. We stay for 3 days and make 2-4 dives per day.

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I am about 5 min from my regular beach maybe 20 min from the pass I can be in High Island in 45 min that includes 20 min ferry ride

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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It's at least a 3 hour drive for me and usually ends up to be an overnight affair.

RAWR! I am zeee dead bobcat!

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I live 100 miles from my collecting location on the Peace River. The first 30 miles are boring interstate travel, but the last 70 are through beautiful old Florida. While travelling through the old Florida section, I have seen large gators, deer, wild boars, bald eagles, otters, and a bunch of other amazing and interesting things. I usually put on a Lynyrd Skynyrd cd or the soundtrack to "Oh Brother, Where art thou" and it feels like I'm driving in a music video. I am dreaming of being able to buy a fossil hunting lodge up on the river, but I don't have the $$ to make that dream a reality yet.

Please note that is not a fossil/hunting lodge, rather it is a lodge for fossil hunting. I'm not going to try to tell anyone else how to live their life, but hunting for sport or food isn't how I roll.

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...I am dreaming of being able to buy a fossil hunting lodge up on the river, but I don't have the $$ to make that dream a reality yet...

I like the "yet" part!

Add a couple basic house-keeping cabins to rent, and you won't be short of customers B)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I like the "yet" part!

Add a couple basic house-keeping cabins to rent, and you won't be short of customers B)

Well if I can ever pull it off, you'll stay for free Auspex, as you've been such a help on this forum in my short time here. Thanks.

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