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Weekend Hunt


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I was able to get out hunting this past Sunday with Haizahnjager, and I tell ya, I was learning all kinds of stuff from him. As I said before, I have only be shark tooth hunting since this past July but Rob has been at it for 10+ years and it was truely awesome to be digging and have such a knowledgable person with me to answer all my dumb questions, lol

We did manage a decent Angie (Rob), and I scored a baby meg tooth and I finally found me another piece of a stingray barb (been a month or two since my last piece). I also scored another whale tooth, my second one, and other fine smaller teeth.

All in all it was a good day and I actually got to see some of Rob's teeth and my gosh! he has some teeth!

I can not wait to get back out there and do some more hunting.

Here is a couple more pics of some of my teeth, please enjoy even if there is not too many. My favorites have to be the ANgies followed by the lower Mako teeth and then the Megs

In this first pic, I found all of these except the Moroccan tooth at top middle and the lower left multi-colored one, a friend gave me that one he found while diving. Notice the rics and that sweet baby meg!


These are my megs and a friend gave my son the big half piece to the top left (thanks sharkdentist!) and the same friend that gave me the multi-colored tooth in the first pic also gave me this other multi-colored one too.


I love the lower Mako's and at the bottom right area you will see my only Benedini, well jsut the enamal part minus the root but I will find a complete one someday!!!



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Sorry no pics, camera issues at the moment.

I was able to get out hunting this past Sunday with Haizahnjager, and I tell ya, I was learning all kinds of stuff from him. As I said before, I have only be shark tooth hunting since this past July but Rob has been at it for 10+ years and it was truely awesome to be digging and have such a knowledgable person with me to answer all my dumb questions, lol

We did manage a decent Angie (Rob), and I scored a baby meg tooth and I finally found me another piece of a stingray barb (been a month or two since my last piece). I also scored another whale tooth, my second one, and other fine smaller teeth.

All in all it was a good day and I actually got to see some of Rob's teeth and my gosh! he has some teeth!

I can not wait to get back out there and do some more hunting.

Maybe I can get some pics up this evening to show you all.


Sounds like you had a good time can not wait to get up with you guys soon


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It was a pleasure hunting with you this past week. I'm sure we've got many more hunts left in us. Hopefully, others will be inspired to go out hunting and post their finds.

P.S. This "Haizahnjager" sounds like a rascally sort of character.

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