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Megalodon Tooth - Real Of Fake?


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My little brother gave me this tooth many years ago. I suspect that it might be fake (concern being the white scratch on the back) but am unsure. I also have a friend who found one while surfing, they are very close but I am not willing to scratch his to find out lol. Here are some pictures, any input would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

(PS: Sorry this didn't post originally)
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I would say 100% real. I can't see someone taking the time to make a fake in such worn shape.Looking at the pictures I see nothing that makes me think fake. What was the location the tooth was found? This could shed some light on real or fake also.

Bulldozers and dirt Bulldozers and dirt
behind the trailer, my desert
Them red clay piles are heaven on earth
I get my rocks off, bulldozers and dirt

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image.png.0c956e87cee523facebb6947cb34e842.png May 2016  MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png.b42a25e3438348310ba19ce6852f50c1.png May 2012 IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png.1721b8912c45105152ac70b0ae8303c3.png.2b6263683ee32421d97e7fa481bd418a.pngAug 2013, May 2016, Apr 2020 VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png.af5065d0585e85f4accd8b291bf0cc2e.png.72a83362710033c9bdc8510be7454b66.png.9171036128e7f95de57b6a0f03c491da.png Oct 2022

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Awesome! Thank you for all of the input! :)

No problem. You should take up collecting them now ;) It can be a pretty cool hobby. Some really wild looking fossilized teeth out there. Here is one of my favorites from my collection..


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Real as real gets...if you look close at picture of the reverse ( lingual) side along the enamel, it is peeling off, not easily done on a resin cast. And I agree, if someone where to make a fake, they would make one in much better shape to increase it's value to sell. Nope you got a genuine article there..


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A few signs that say it is real...

Notice on the root of the fossil, there are some smooth nicks taken out. Those are bore holes made by boring clams. If somebody was going to make a mold and fake some of those teeth, they would putty over that to make it "perfect".

On the back there are white spots under the surface or the enamel. The cast fakes are uniformly black or grey.

The things that should make you suspicious are if it is very big, very cheap, very perfect, and uniformly colored.

I don't buy fossils, so I don't have any exposure to fakes beyond these meg teeth, which are commonly sold to tourists here in florida. Most of the fakes were not made to rip off fossil collectors, they were made to allow people to own a replica and pass it around a school room without worrying that the kids will damage a real one. But, those honest replicas are often sold on the beach to unsuspecting people.

You got a real one. I have a bunch of them, but they are all smaller, chipped, or broken. I found them on the beach.

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