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Books For Beginner?

Gatra Vonresto

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Hello, all my friends.

As a beginner, I really would like to enhance my knowledge in the science of fossils and rocks. Unfortunately, I didn't took disciplines related to them as my major. I wish I had known the study of fossils earlier. Since I grew in a developing country, the access of information when I was a child was very limited. Internet wasn't popular until 2005 or 2006. There were also the limited sources of qualified books in the library of schools here.

I took tourism as my major. I got much knowledge on it, specially english of which that I could communicate to foreign fellows--although my english is not good. I was also a music performer. But, since I had a neck injury, I am now no longer performing music either working in a hotel. My job is now being a shopkeeper in my parents' shop and sometimes writing a short story for children in local newspapers.

However, I have a passion in fossils and rocks, specially the unique ones. I love them. I really want to know the science behind them, at least, in a glance. If maybe, my scientist friends in this forum knowing about what books suitable for beginners, I would like saying special thanks. Maybe I could search them in the university library in my country.

Respectfully yours,


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Gatra , I would suggest starting at a local fossil bearing formation and studying that particular strata first.

Geologists report the presence of fossils while recording identifying data about the formation as well as how the sediments were deposited.

The geology of fossil bearing formations provides details on the paleo environment in which the plants/animals lived.

As your reading, look up the technical terms and you will start to have an idea of what is being discussed.

It's similar to learning a new language which you're definitely capable of. :)

It's hard to remember why you drained the swamp when your surrounded by alligators.

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I read a lot Gatra, at least 2 books a week sometimes more. I will say with personal experience that there isn't any one book good for beginners. What you need to do is take a trip to a bookstore and see what's out there. Take a look and read a bit. The book that conveys the information best to your understanding is the one for you.

I will say the best books will start you out with a basic understanding of geology and how different types of rock are formed. If you can read the rock, you know it's story and whether or not you're in the right place.

...I'm back.

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Check out the "Fossil Literature" section of this forum and go back page-by-page. There are at least a couple of threads in there where members list good books for beginners. I would suggest "Crusin' the Fossil Freeway" by Kirk Johnson and Ray Troll. It provides some basic geology and paleontology with great photos and artwork. The illustrations will help if the writing gets hard to follow.

Hello, all my friends.

As a beginner, I really would like to enhance my knowledge in the science of fossils and rocks. Unfortunately, I didn't took disciplines related to them as my major. I wish I had known the study of fossils earlier. Since I grew in a developing country, the access of information when I was a child was very limited. Internet wasn't popular until 2005 or 2006. There were also the limited sources of qualified books in the library of schools here.

I took tourism as my major. I got much knowledge on it, specially english of which that I could communicate to foreign fellows--although my english is not good. I was also a music performer. But, since I had a neck injury, I am now no longer performing music either working in a hotel. My job is now being a shopkeeper in my parents' shop and sometimes writing a short story for children in local newspapers.

However, I have a passion in fossils and rocks, specially the unique ones. I love them. I really want to know the science behind them, at least, in a glance. If maybe, my scientist friends in this forum knowing about what books suitable for beginners, I would like saying special thanks. Maybe I could search them in the university library in my country.

Respectfully yours,


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Gatra , I would suggest starting at a local fossil bearing formation and studying that particular strata first.

Geologists report the presence of fossils while recording identifying data about the formation as well as how the sediments were deposited.

The geology of fossil bearing formations provides details on the paleo environment in which the plants/animals lived.

As your reading, look up the technical terms and you will start to have an idea of what is being discussed.

It's similar to learning a new language which you're definitely capable of. :)

Hello, Mr. Squali. Thank you very much for your helping suggestion. Also thanks for tagging me a link. :)

By the way, I learnt english by listening to the song lyrics as well as talking in front of the mirror and when people starred at me, they called me crazy. :D

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I read a lot Gatra, at least 2 books a week sometimes more. I will say with personal experience that there isn't any one book good for beginners. What you need to do is take a trip to a bookstore and see what's out there. Take a look and read a bit. The book that conveys the information best to your understanding is the one for you.

I will say the best books will start you out with a basic understanding of geology and how different types of rock are formed. If you can read the rock, you know it's story and whether or not you're in the right place.

Aye aye, Raggedy Man! :) Basic Geology and books about rock formation.. I will go for them.

But wow,, you're finishing at least 2 books in a week.. you must be an advanced scientist. Thanks very much for your help, Raggedy Man. :)

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Check out the "Fossil Literature" section of this forum and go back page-by-page. There are at least a couple of threads in there where members list good books for beginners. I would suggest "Crusin' the Fossil Freeway" by Kirk Johnson and Ray Troll. It provides some basic geology and paleontology with great photos and artwork. The illustrations will help if the writing gets hard to follow.

All right then, Siteseer. I must have forgotten... "Fossil Literature"..

But, thank you very much for your helpful book suggestion. It is really helping me. :)

Edited by Gatra Vonresto
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