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Three Days In Aurora Nc


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Hey all,

I just got home after 17 days in NC and wanted to post the finds from three days at the Aurora Fossil museum.







I found 6 teeth and 1 vertebra of dolphin, three fish vertebra, 1/3 shark vertebra, around 200 shark teeth (including an one inch meg. and a seven gill shark), and several sea shell and corals.

All in all I had a good day(s), even though most of the shark teeth are very small.

Edited by ynot




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Hey-lo Old bones,

Thanks. This was My first time fossilizing :D on the east coast. really had a lot of fun and am hopping to get another chance to go.




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Nice job!!! Is that the meg at the top right corner on day 2? Looks like there's a cusplet on it... Does that make it a chubensis??? I'm not an expert at all but throwing that out there just in case... lol :)

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Hey Lissa318,


Yes to both questions- that is the meg and it does have a cusp- do not know about the other part.

Here is a pic of the larger teeth ( 0.25 inch and up ) after cleaning---

I think My estimate of 200 teeth was low- it should have been closer to 400!





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Heylo jcbshark,


I will post more pics as soon as I can get to that project, too many other things to do right now.




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Hey-lo sharko69,


I think it will be difficult to sort them all out and get them identified. A project that I am looking forward to ( half the fun of collecting ).

So far I have Identified-- snaggletooth, great white, mako. megladon. tiger, sand tiger dusky and seven gill.




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