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Is This A Tooth, And What Do Think?


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Ceratainly Petalodus. Nice teeth. There's also one in the Fossil Forum header, but it's upside down.


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Great Googly Moogly! A few dozen Petalodus teeth!

Great finds; congrats :)

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In Texas they are often loose in shale... lots of other places they are entombed in the hardest limestone. ^_^

The first thought would be those are from Wilson's clay pit but if you have an alternate locality that's fantastic!

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wow! welcome to the forum, and you sure know how to make an entrance. if you give even the slightest hint of where that highly desired stuff was found, there'll be front-end loaders out there by midnight tonight digging away. i was very naive when i first started posting here but quickly got some pretty good education from the old hands. this is a good place to learn.


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No not Wilson's clay pit or Brownwoon, but that is in the right ballpark. I am in to Indian Archaeology and the rest of the time I am teaching at one of the Abiene colleges. I found out a long time ago to keep some things to myself. While I did find all of these teeth in two outings I have found some very impressive fossil beds over the years. I will try and post more of my finds as I have time. B)

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  • 8 months later...

Holy snarge, is right!!

Nice work.

The most I've ever found in one trip was two.

Yikes! What a spot.



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Keep your eyes open for other oddly shaped bits with that same white color. They may be even more unusual shark teeth. These were some of the earliest sharks and can be quite different than what a modern shark tooth looks like. As mentioned, it is unusual to find so many in just two trips.

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