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Feast you eyes on this baby:


a whopper of a thesis on shell degradation,mineral alteration,diagenesis in molluscs


Chris Perry on reef taphonomy,from ESR:


carbonate taphonomy:


vertebrate taphonomy(fish,actually),perhaps useful to those Green river diggers,from: Pal cubed:


petrified forest,Umbria,Italy:


Reisdorf/Wuttke on reptile taphonomy

from paleo...whatever(Springer always changing old familiar titles to newfangled snazzy ones):


Rosso(deepwater coral thanatofacies):


a humdinger of a paper,indispensable

silicified wood again(neotaphonomy):



(plant preservation in blueschist facies(!!))


Klymiuk(from PALAIOS) on plant taphonomy(silicific.) and fungal action:


Edited by doushantuo




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Everybody who is willing to pay Springer's overblown prices,when theré's so much free on the web(,see the above,which is just a snippet)is out of his mind.




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Everybody who is willing to pay Springer's overblown prices,when theré's so much free on the web(,see the above,which is just a snippet)is out of his mind.

Or in need of the very specific information, and need to site it. ;)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I perused the contents Auspex.Most of it is on the web,if you know where to look




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