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Eocene Teeth, Hither And Yon


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so anyway, i spared no effort bringing you the picture of tj's greatest cache of eocene teeth. first, you have a carefully arranged grouping. can you believe i got all those teeth on a sheet of paper that cost much less than a dime?! and to achieve authoentricity, i left the glaucomaite on 'em! yay! no arguing about where they came from! oh, and the nickel is for sizing, and the camera wriststrap cord shadow is to prove that i'm a wild and crazy guy who's so reckless as to not put the cord around my wrist, thereby totally risking my camera! (i bite the caps off sam adams bottles, too!)

ok, so anyway, then there's a picture of a honkin' toe-oddus, which is pspecial because it was prepped by none other than...can you guess?...you'll never guess...by my own dear son TJ!!!!!! yes, you heard me right. that's real matrix right there and tj coaxed that there toe-oddus out of it where you can ogle it if you want, but this here tooth ain't willin' to relocate! it's tj's! (guess i oughta show the teeth now, huh?)



p.s. i'm gettin' a good camera and building a light box and such in my next incarnation. feel free to hold your breath, and i'll just call you smurfee...

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Makes you proud dont it. Way to go and nice find!

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Alfred North Whithead

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OK TJ! Good finds and good prep.

How many dimes can you put on that 'toad?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TJ GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I can only imagine what fun he had preppigng that out. Tracer, be so grateful that your son is into fossils! Not a better hobbie in the intire world!!!


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thanks for the replies everyone :) it took me around three hours to expose the other half of the tooth but it was definitely worth it. i havent prepped a tooth before, only a few invertebrate fossils. also on the group of teeth, any ideas on the top left one with the cusps? always been curious about that tooth.

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thanks for the replies everyone :) it took me around three hours to expose the other half of the tooth but it was definitely worth it. i havent prepped a tooth before, only a few invertebrate fossils. also on the group of teeth, any ideas on the top left one with the cusps? always been curious about that tooth.

Oh-man calls it

Otodus obliquus (post#7)

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OMG, I think half my lunch is dripping down my monitor after seeing this.

Nice finds and nice work on the prep TJ!

Kevin Wilson

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